Tsze-yu replied, "Formerly, Master, I heard you say,
'When the man of high station is well instructed, he loves men; when the man of low station is well instructed, he is easily ruled.'"
The Master said, "My disciples, Yen's words are right. What I said was only in sport."
Kung-shan Fu-zao, when he was holding Pi, and in an attitude of rebellion, invited the Master to visit him, who was rather inclined to go.
Tsze-lu was displeased. and said, "Indeed, you cannot go! Why must you think of going to see Kung-shan?"
The Master said, "Can it be without some reason that he has invited ME? If any one employ me, may I not make an eastern Chau!"

Tsze-chang asked Confucius about perfect virtue. Confucius said,
"To be able to practice five things everywhere under heaven constitutes perfect virtue." He begged to ask what they were, and was told,
"Gravity, generosity of soul, sincerity, earnestness, and kindness. If you are grave, you will not be treated with disrespect,
if you are generous, you will win all, if you are sincere, people will repose trust in you,
if you are earnest, you will accomplish much, if you are kind, this will enable you to employ the services of others."