Pi Hsi inviting him to visit him, the Master was inclined to go.
Tsze-lu said, "Master, formerly I have heard you say, 'When a man in his own person is guilty of doing evil, a superior man will not associate with him.'
Pi Hsi is in rebellion, holding possession of Chung-mau; if you go to him, what shall be said?"
The Master said, "Yes, I did use these words. But is it not said, that, if a thing be really hard, it may be ground without being made thin;
Is it not said, that, if a thing be really white, it may be steeped in a dark fluid without being made black.
Am I a bitter gourd? How can I be hung up out of the way of being eaten?"

The Master said, "Yu, have you heard the six words to which are attached six becloudings?" Yu replied, "I have not."
"Sit down, and I will tell them to you. "There is the love of being benevolent without the love of learning,
the beclouding here leads to a foolish simplicity; There is the love of knowing without the love of learning,
the beclouding here leads to dissipation of mind; There is the love of being sincere without the love of learning,
the beclouding here leads to an injurious disregard of consequences; There is the love of straightforwardness without the love of learning,
the beclouding here leads to rudeness.