The joy of learning. The joy of… Where is it? Where is it? Where does it go?
学习的喜悦 这种喜悦上哪儿去了 去哪儿了
Well it goes away because we come to a certain age when we begin to understand other people are watching us, and then the image kicks in.
它消失了 因为我们到了一定年纪 开始意识到别人在看我们 开始产生种种想法
"I'm not going to try, because what if I fall?" Or "I'm not going to ask her out, because what if she says no?"
“我不要试 万一摔倒怎么办” 或者“我不要约她出去 万一她拒绝怎么办”
"Oh no no no. I'm not going to try for this play, because hardly anyone gets that."
“哦 不不 我不要演这出戏 万一没人看懂怎么办”
"Oh I'm not going to share, because what if they don't like what I have to say." Or "everyone is so smart. I'm not going to speak up."
“哦 我不要分享经历 万一有人不喜欢怎么办” 又或者“大家都这么聪明 我还不献丑了”

And we avoid instead of coping. And that affects our self esteem, our confidence, our resilience, our happiness levels in the long term.
我们开始逃避而不是应对 这会影响我们的自尊 信心 乐观精神 长期的快乐指数
Or we go on a date. And everything has to be so perfect. So perfect.
约会时一切必须很完美 非常完美
Forgetting how we learn how to eat in the first place.
Learn to fail or fail to learn. This is not actually concrete recommendation for your first date. I don't think it will work.
学习失败 从失败中学习 这不是第一次约会的实在建议 恐怕行不通
But remember, remember how we learnt. There is no other way. No other way to grow. No other way to learn. No other way to become more resilient, happier, more successful.
但记得我们是如何学习的 别无他法 成长没有捷径 学习也没有捷径 乐观 快乐 成功更没有捷径
Have I said this before? This is my personal mantra that I repeat to myself over and over again, especially after failures, especially before doing things when I'm afraid to do it, when I said well, maybe I shouldn't do.
我以前说过这个吗 这是我的私人祷文 我常常一遍又一遍对自己诵读 尤其是遇到失败 或者需要克服恐惧 出现“也许我不该做”这类想法时