But then got up again after falling. And at the age of 34, 7 years after his nervous breakdown, he ran for congress-wasn't even close. Didn't make it.
但又重新站起来了 7年后 他34岁时 竞选国会议员 名落孙山 没有成功
At the age of 39, hasn't learned the lesson yet. And he was defeated again for congress. And then he said, "let me go try higher."
39岁时 他还没有学乖 又一次竞选议员失败 他说“让我试试更高层的”
At the age of 46, what a loser! Doesn't learn, does he? OK. Yeah. It's OK. Learn to fail. Fail to learn. But I mean you are 46 years old, come on! Give it up already.
46岁时 真失败啊 还没学乖 没关系 学会失败 从失败中学习 你都46岁了 适可而止吧
At the age of 47, he tried to be nominated for the Vice President. Didn't learn. Didn't make it.
到了47岁 他试图竞选副总统 还没学乖 又失败了
So at the age of 50, he tried again for Senate. And then he almost gave up. But he didn't.
到了50岁 他试图竞选参议员 他几乎想放弃了 但最终没有

And at the age of 51, he became the 16th President of the United States. Arguably the most important President this country has ever had.
到了51岁 他成了美国第16任总统 大概是这个国家历史上最有影响力的总统
And through it all and he talks about it, it was difficult to fail. Of course he had victories.
他谈起这段经历时说 “失败让人痛苦” 当然 他的确有成功过
You know I simplified the process. It was difficult to fail. He did not enjoy failing. But he persisted it.
我简化了他的生平 失败让人痛苦 他不享受失败 但还是挺过来了
Because he understood just like every other successful person throughout history has understood and understands: there is no other way to learn; there is no way to grow.
因为和历史上其他成功者一样 他懂得 学习别无他法 成长别无他法
Mohandas Gandhi, the subtitle of his book is My Experiments with Truth. He talks about experiments, trying and failing, trying and failing and succeeding, and failing again, and trying again.
甘地 他自传的副标题是 “我的对于真理的实践经历” 他谈到了经历 尝试与失败 尝试 失败与成功 再次失败 再次尝试