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Hey there, I'm Mike Rugnetta, this is Crash Course Theater, and today we're taking on the theater of Renaissance England.

嘿 大家好 我是迈克·鲁格内塔 这里是“戏剧速成小课堂” 今天我们要带大家走进文艺复兴时期的英格兰剧场
Which means Shakespeare, right? Wrong, unfortunately.
也就是莎士比亚 对吧?错了 很不幸
It'll be a bit before we know of poor Yorick.
Get thee to the ceiling, pal.
到天花板上去吧 伙计
Believe it or not, there are Renaissance English plays and playwrights and theaters and troupes that existed totally independent of Shakespeare.
信不信由你 有完全独立于莎士比亚而存在的文艺复兴时期的英国戏剧、剧作家、剧院和剧团
Well, mostly independent of Shakespeare.
嗯 大多数都独立于莎士比亚之外
Today we'll discuss historical context, introduce the English playhouse, and meet some early plays and playwrights.
And we're not going to talk about Shakespeare! Not at all.
我们不会探讨莎士比亚 完全不探讨
It's gonna be much to do about something… else.
The Renaissance arrives in England… late. Really late. Like 150 years later than Italy-late.
文艺复兴很晚才传到英国 真的很晚 比意大利晚了150年
Well, there are a bunch of reasons, but mostly England spent a lot of the late Middle Ages embroiled in the Hundred Years' War with France,
原因有很多 但主要原因是中世纪晚期的英国大部分时间都花在了和法国进行“百年战争”
which obviously lasted one hundred and sixteen years, and then thirty two more years fighting the Wars of the Roses,
这场战争持续了116年 之后是围绕英格拉的主权问题爆发的一系列英国内战
a series of civil wars for control of England, which involved far fewer actual roses than you may expect.
即打了32年的“玫瑰战争” 其实和玫瑰没多大关系
Once the Tudors took the throne, things got more stable. Humanism and the scientific method and madrigals really took off.
都铎王朝登台后局势才开始稳定起来 人文主义、科学方法和牧歌才开始真正地起飞
The Tudors liked theater. They liked it a lot.
都铎王朝的王室成员喜欢看戏 非常喜欢
Henry VII, the first Tudor king, paid for court entertainments.
His son Henry VIII, the one with all the wives, established an independent Office of the Revels,
他的儿子亨利八世 和他的很多妻子 建立了一个独立的宫廷游艺总管部
managed by a Master of Revels whose job it was to arrange plays and masques for the nobility.
由一个游艺大师管理 工作是为贵族安排戏剧和假面剧
There were definitely some plays the Tudors didn't like.
England had been Catholic and then Protestant and then Catholic and then Protestant again,
英国曾经是天主教国家 之后变成新教国家 之后又变回天主教国家 之后又变回新教国家
and sometimes plays could be used to fan the flames of religious discord.
So in 1558, Henry's daughter Elizabeth I cracked down on religious and political plays. This pretty much ended the cycle plays.
所以在1558年 亨利的女儿伊丽莎白一世镇压了宗教和政治戏剧 这几乎灭绝了循环剧
She also passed a law classifying actors as vagrants who could be fined for going from town to town.
她还通过了一项法律 将演员归类为流浪汉 如果他们从一个城镇迁徙到另一个城镇就可能会被罚款
The solution?


Troupes of actors hooked up with nobility and licensed themselves as servants under names like The Lord Chamberlain's Men and The Lord Admiral's Men.

由演员组成的剧团与贵族挂上了钩 并以“宫内大臣剧团”和“海军上将剧团”等名义将自己授权为仆人
Jeez, actors just throughout history, just CANNOT catch a break, huh?
天哪 历史上的演员们连喘口气的机会都没有 是吧
If these laws seem restrictive, they are!
如果说这些法律看似具有限制性 它们确实有
But the crackdown on the cycle plays pushed the theater in new and more innovative directions, while that whole vagrancy thing encouraged actors to professionalize.
但是 对循环剧的镇压反而推动了戏剧向新的、更具创新的方向发展 而四处流浪则使得演员更专业化
The earliest plays of the English Renaissance predate all this licensing and vagrancy.
Two of the first English Renaissance plays were comedies written in vernacular English.
They were modeled on the work of, Surprise Surprise, Plautus and Terence!
But morality plays were an obvious influence, too, and maybe also medieval farces.
但也明显受到了道德剧的影响 或许还受到过中世纪闹剧的影响
Neoclassicism didn't catch on in England the way it did in Italy and in France, so these English plays tend to be looser and more episodic.
新古典主义在英国没有像在意大利和法国那样流行 所以这些英国戏剧往往更加松散、更加零碎
The earliest one is "Ralph Roister Doister," which was written in the 1540s by a schoolmaster named Nicholas Udall.
The title character is a braggy dolt, kind of like the Captain from the Commedia Dell'arte.
里面的主角是一个爱吹牛的傻瓜 有点像即兴喜剧里面的船长
He falls in love with a virtuous widow, Christian Custance, and tries to win her over, while egged on by Matthew Merrygreeke,
他爱上了一个善良的寡妇克里斯蒂安·卡斯特并试图赢得她的心 而在
a clever trickster type who owes a lot to the Vice character from the morality plays.
Ralph gets tricked, beaten, and a rape almost happens.
拉尔夫被骗、被打 差点发生了强奸事件
But then the widow marries her rich, honorable suitor, Gawyn Goodluck, and it all ends happily.
但是后来寡妇嫁给了自己的一位富有、高贵的追求者高文古德勒克 之后就是完美大结局
Another early play is "Gammer Gurton's Needle" by an unknown author.
另一部早期戏剧是《葛顿老太太的针》 作者不详
It was first performed in the early 1560s, and it also derives most of its humor from bodily harm.
它于1560年代早期首次上演 里面大部分的幽默点来源于身体上的残害
Gammer Gurton has lost her sewing needle.
Diccon of Bedlam, a wandering fool and another Vice type, tries to stir up trouble by claiming that her next door neighbor, Dame Chat, took it.
疯人院的迪康 一个四处游荡的傻子 也是另外一种反派类型 他试图挑起麻烦 声称是她的邻居黛米·沙拿走了老太太的缝纫针
Everyone gets beaten up, including a curate–which is sorta like a priests assistant–and the needle is discovered when a servant is stabbed in the butt.
所有人都被打了一顿 包括一名副牧师——有点像牧师助理 就在仆人的屁股被刺到时针被找到了
Hilarious! It was a simpler time. Wiseguy eh?! I'm sorry.
很搞笑 那时候剧情比较简单 是吧聪明人 抱歉
Another early play tried to be all genres to all spectators.
It was called "Cambises"for short.
Why "for short" you may ask?
Well the full title goes: "A lamentable tragedy mixed ful of pleasant mirth,
嗯 全称是:夹杂着欢乐的悲剧
conteyning the life of CAMBISES King of PERCIA, from the beginning of his kingdome unto his death,
讲述康比斯是佩西亚国王的生活 从他当上国王开始直至他的死亡
his one good deed of execution, after that many wicked deeds and tirannous murders,
committed by and through him, and last of all, his odious death by Gods Justice appointed, Doon in such order as foloweth.
他得到了报应 最后 他的死由上帝裁决 按如下顺序
I'd love to see the poster for that one.
Cambises was written by the schoolmaster Thomas Preston and mostly likely performed sometime in the 1560s.
Cambises是由校长托马斯·普雷斯顿写的 很可能是在16世纪60年代的某个时候演出的
The episodic structure and the focus on good versus evil link it closely with morality plays, but also history plays.
The first tragedy on an English subject is "The Tragedie of Gorboduc," a play by Thomas Norton and Thomas Sackville, first performed in 1561.
第一部以英语为主题的悲剧是托马斯·诺顿和托马斯·萨克维尔于1561年撰写的《戈巴杜悲剧》 于1561年首次演出
Because it's a tragedy, Seneca is the big influence, but there's some morality play elements, too.
因为是悲剧 所以塞内加对其影响很大 但也包涵了某些道德剧的元素
It's written in blank verse, the meter that he-who-shall-not-be-named-until-the-next-episode uses, and also goes by the catchy title "Ferrex and Porrex".
它是用无韵体写的 一种“he-who-shall-not-be-named-until-the-next-episode”使用的韵律 该剧还有一个朗朗上口的名字《费雷和波雷》
"The story goes like this: Gorboduc is an ancient king of Britain who decides to divide the realm between his two sons, Ferrex and Porrex.
情节是这样的:高布达克是古时的一个英国国王 他决定把王国分给自己两个儿子中的一个—费雷和波雷
They fight, Porrex kills Ferrex, and so the Queen stabs Porrex while he's sleeping.
他们争斗 波雷杀死了费雷 之后王后也因此在波雷睡觉的时候将他杀死
Then the people rebel, killing both Gorboduc and the Queen.
之后人民开始起义 杀死了高布达克和王后
Nobles rise up and kill most of the people.
Everything's a huge mess, and the succession is still unclear.
一切都是一团糟 继承权最后也不了了之
Now that's what I call a tragedy.
And yes, this obviously sounds a lot like "King Lear," but of course we aren't discussing "King Lear.
是的 听起来很像《李尔王》 但是当然我们不是在探讨《李尔王》
Unless what I'm saying now counts. Damn it.
除非我现在说的话算数 该死
Early English Renaissance plays weren't staged in theaters, because freestanding permanent theaters didn't exist yet. Not in England, anyway.
早期英国文艺复兴时期的戏剧并不是在剧院里表演 因为当时还不存在独立的永久剧院 反正在英国没有
These plays were staged in gardens, banquet halls, inn yards and schools.
But as acting became increasingly professionalized and plays became increasingly popular, troupes started to raise funds to build permanent structures.
但是随着表演越来越专业化、戏剧也越来越受欢迎 剧团开始筹集资金建造永久剧院

重点单词   查看全部解释    
independent [indi'pendənt]


adj. 独立的,自主的,有主见的
n. 独立



n. 基金;资金,现金(fund的复数) v. 提供资金

needle ['ni:dl]


n. 针
vt. 用针缝,激怒,嘲弄

odious ['əudiəs]


adj. 可憎的,讨厌的

unknown ['ʌn'nəun]


adj. 未知的,不出名的

banquet ['bæŋkwit]


n. 宴会
vi. 宴请
vt. 宴

obvious ['ɔbviəs]


adj. 明显的,显然的

stir [stə:]


n. 感动(激动,愤怒或震动), 搅拌,骚乱

ceiling ['si:liŋ]


n. 天花板,上限

discord ['diskɔ:d]


n. 不调和,分歧,意见不一 vi. 不一致,不协调





