But then one day, one day he walks into his office, sits on his chair, puts his legs up on the table.
有一天他走进办公室里 坐在椅子上 脚搭在桌子上
He's after all the Boss, the Man. He looks back and sees central park. Just beautiful there.
他已经成了老板 成了掌门人 他回头就可以看见中央公园 那景色实在太美了
He really is, not just metaphorically speaking-he really is on top of the world.
他真的是 而不是修辞地说 他真的是站在了世界之巅
And then there is a knock on the door.
He's surprised by the knock, because usually his secretary announces people-they don't just knock on his door.
他被敲门声吓了一跳 因为一般来人了他的秘书会向他通报 访客不会就这么过来敲门

He's after all, on top of the world. So he walks down and opens the door.
毕竟他是站在世界之巅的人 于是他走过去开了门
And it's the chairman of the board. And she says hi to him. He says hi back.
来人是董事会主席 他们俩互相打了个招呼
And she says, "you know, record earnings this year. Well done! Fantastic!
然后董事会主席说“今年的盈利记录 非常之棒 不可思议
You have done amazing, amazing work. We are all so proud of you.
您做得太好了 我们都为您而骄傲
So glad you are in your position. However, it's time to retire. You are 72 years old."
感谢您的存在 但是 您应该退休了 您已经72岁了”
This is the life of the rat racer-at best. And again, this is a caricature.
这就是逐利者的生活 最佳情况下 当然这只是大概的描述
I've highlighted just certain points. It's not as all or nothing.
我只是着重描述了几个特殊的阶段 这也不是要么全部要么没有
However, in essence, this is the life of the rat racer-about getting from point A to point B
但是 总的来说 这就是逐利者的生活 只关注从A点到达B点
and then feeling relief for two weeks or a month.