Yes, she has the ups and downs like we all do.
是的 生活中会有起起伏伏
However, also able to enjoy the journey day to day-the experience being the college,
但是 也能够享受旅途中的每一天 在大学里的经历
the experience of having a lovely meal with my friends,
the experience of reading and being exposed to great writers,
to interesting classes, to nice extra curricular activities,
上有趣的课 参加有趣的课外活动的经历
and appreciating it, not taking it for granted, not seeing it as just incidental-just something
并且重视这样的经历 而不是忽略它们 不是把这些看做普通的、
that I need to get through in order to get to where I really want to get to.

Well, you may want to get…really want to get there, but where you really are is here and now. No other place.
你或许会非常渴望成功 但是你所在的却是此时 此地 不是别处
You know, I haven't met, maybe you have, but I haven't met the perfect person.
你们也知道 我从来没有 或许你们有 我从来没有遇见过完美的人
I don't think that person exists. In other words, if there isn't a person, a perfect person,
我认为这样的人是不存在的 换句话说 如果根本就不存在完美的人
for every person, there's inevitable failure.
那么对每个人来说 失败都是不可避免的
And a perfectionist who is obsessed with failure just focuses on that,
为失败所困惑的完美主义者 只是专注于失败
whereas the person committed to excellence, there is possibility of success every step of the way, even in failure.
而追求卓越的人则会发现路途上每一步都有成功的机会 甚至在失败中也有这样的机会
A perfectionist very often wastes time-has to read every word, every…
You know, "i have to be dotted, every t crossed." It's all or nothing.
我要做到最好 拿满分 要么全部要么没有
Either I hand in a perfect paper, or I don't hand in a paper at all.
要么我交上去一份完美的论文 要么我就干脆不交论文
Either it's a straight A, or I'm a failure. All or nothing.
要么我就拿到A 要么我就一无是处 要么全部要么没有