As fast as you can, right? There is no time. Or this-"Never".
要多快有多快 对吧 时间不多
Never Have a Zit Again. I mean, I still have zits. I'm 37.
What do…How do they do that?! Again, unrealistic models.
他们怎么做到的 又是不现实的模型
You know in 1997 when I was living in Singapore, I wanted to bring Nathaniel Branden to Singapore.
1997年我还在新加坡住的时候 我想带纳撒尼尔·布兰登去新加坡
Again, he is considered the leading person on self-esteem.
His wife, Devers Branden has done a lot of work in the areas of self-esteem and personal growth.
他的妻子德弗斯·布兰登也在自尊 与自我成长方面花了很多功夫
So I wanted to bring them both. So I brought them to consult for the organization where I was working.
所以我希望能让他们来新加坡 所以我请他们来为我工作的公司 做咨询

And I was looking for other ways because it was very expensive for other ways of funding that trip.
我在寻找其他途径 因为其他途径所要筹集的经费比较多
And a close friend of mine, Pat Lee was working at the time with the Body Shop.
而我的一个好朋友 帕特·李那时在为美体小铺工作
And she said, "you know, this is perfect. Because the Body Shop this year and Anita Roddick
她说“这实在是太好了 因为美体小铺还有安妮塔·罗迪克
whom I mentioned earlier is interested in self-esteem for women.
我之前提过她 对于女性自尊也很感兴趣
So why don't we do a project with Devers and Nathaniel and the Body Shop
joint venture and have self-esteem for women in Singapore?"
I thought it was a great idea. I actually met with Anita Roddick.
我认为这主意非常不错 我和安妮塔·罗迪克见了面
And we co-sponsored Nathaniel Branden-it was a highly successful event.
然后我们共同赞助了纳撒尼尔·布兰登 后来这次活动非常成功
We had 700 seats; over 1000 people came. We had to have plasma outside.
本来有700个座位 可来了1000多人 我们得在场外放置等离子大屏幕
And in addition, it made a huge stir and really started a movement or a mini movement in Singapore-self-esteem for women.
还有 这次活动对很多人产生了激励并激发了一场运动 或者说是小规模运动 在新加坡的女性自尊的运动
As a result, Nathaniel Branden wrote a book, called"Self-esteem For Women".
作为结果 纳撒尼尔·布兰登写了本书 叫《女性的自尊》