Let me show you a quick example of someone who perhaps is not fully aware of her weaknesses.
我来给你们介绍一个简短的例子 是关于一个不完全了解自己的弱点的人的
Hey, Jackie Brown.
嘿 杰基·布朗
Why isn't there any coffee?!
Same reason why you don't have a wife and three kids.
Damn it, this is an office! There should be coffee!
该死的 这可是间办公室 应该有咖啡的
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! Why don't you save your anger for the bedroom, where it belongs?
嗨 嗨 为什么不把你的怒气留在卧室里呢
Why don't you go see your little coffee cutie, huh? Your latte lover. Mr. Jock-full-of-nuts.
为什么你不去见你的咖啡小爱人呢 你的拿铁小情人 疯子先生

He quit, all right? What is this? The freaking inquisition?
他辞职了 好吧?这是什么意思 你在审问我吗
Can't a guy have a nice, hot cup of coffee when he wants, or do we all live in"Tea Land"
难道想喝咖啡时 就不能好好的喝一杯热咖啡吗 还是说我们都住在“茶之国度”里
where it's a capital crime to even say the word"coffee"?
Ok, jitterbug, get a hold of yourself.
好了 神经质 冷静一点
Don't tell me to get a hold of myself. I'm fine!
别让我冷静一点 我很好
Ok, you may wanna take a look in the mirror because you got a little crazy on your face. Ok?
好吧 或许你想照照镜子 因为你看起来有点疯 好吗
Karen, what's happening to me?
卡伦 我到底是怎么了
Well, I'm no expert, but I think you have a little addiction problem.
好吧 我不是专家 但我觉得你是犯瘾了
No tears on the damask.
Addiction? Oh, no. No, no! I don't have an addiction, thank you very much.
犯瘾 不 不 我可没上瘾 多谢你了
Ok, ok. I'm fine, I'm fine. Ok, ok, it's over.
—好的 好的 —我没事 我没事 好了 好了 都结束了
Now, listen to me.
The first thing you have to do is admit that you have a problem.
Because if you can't even recognize the signs…
Then you are really in sorry shape.
Oh, mmm! Why are you so good to me?
Karen, I can't do it. I'm hooked on the junk.
卡伦 我办不到 我真的上瘾了
Well, honey, if it'll help you, I'll do it with you, ok? I'll kick coffee, too.
那么甜心 如果有作用的话 我就和你一起吧 我也戒咖啡了
Yeah! It won't be easy, but every morning when I wake up, I'll just have to get used to drinking my Bailey's straight.
是啊 这不简单 但是每当我早上起床时 我只要习惯直接喝掉我的百利甜酒就好
It'll still be the best part of waking up.
Ok, Karen. Ok. Together we can do this.
好的卡伦 我们一起能做到的
Let me just have one last cup. No. Half a cup. No.
让我再喝一杯 不 半杯 不
How about you drink a cup and I'll lick your tongue?
Tempting, but no. Ok, come here. Right here.
很诱人 但是不行 过来吧
Oh, Karen, when will the lambs stop screaming?
卡伦 小羊们什么时候才能不叫啊