Any announcement today? Anyone? No. OK. Good morning.
今天有人有消息宣布吗 没有 好的 早上好
What we are going to do today is finish up on perfectionism and then move on to the mind body.
我们今天要把完美主义讲完 然后开始讲精神肉体
This semester for me has been going great.
There are very few things that I regret about not having done this semester,
but there is one thing that I will change next time when I teach the class,
不过下次我还想挑战点别的 教这门课时
that I already know of now, is have the lecture on the mind body earlier.
我现在知道了 应该更早讲精神肉体的
Because it is such an important topic. It is so foundational, so basic
因为这个话题十分重要 它是如此根本而且基础
that when I realized that-and that was earlier on this semester that
因此当我意识到 在这个学期很早的时候就意识到

I should have had it earlier, I started already to plug for physical exercise,
我应该早点讲 我那时就开始停止介绍身体锻炼
to talk about mindfulness, to introduce a little bit on lower level of the spiral.
开始讲“念”的概念 从较低一点的层次来介绍它
So today, you know..month or two-too late perhaps,
今天 在一两个月之后
we are going to introduce the mind body connection, physical health.
我们要再讲讲精神和肉体的联系 身体的健康
But first, let me introduce…let me finish up on perfectionism.
So remember last time we talked about the two models-the schema of the perfectionist,
上节课我们讲到了两个模型 完美主义的基模
a straight line from poin A to point B versus the schema of the
person committed to excellence which is much more meandering spiral kind-of journey.
追求卓越的基模 更像是蜿蜒曲折的螺旋上升
And a couple of people yesterday in office hours asked the question,
so what is really the difference?