The NBA has suspended all physical games in an effort to combat coronavirus and no return date has been set,
and there remains the possibility that the remainder of the 2019-20 season is canceled entirely,
but nothing can stop the behemoth that is NBA 2K.
With fans confined to their homes and video games taking on an important place as a distraction during this pandemic,
the NBA has decided to take advantage of the platform to offer fans some semblance of live basketball.
ESPN will air an NBA 2K tournament featuring players from all 30 NBA teams
据雅虎体育的Chris Haynes报道,ESPN将于周五直播一场NBA2K锦标赛,
that it hopes to launch on Friday, according to Chris Haynes of Yahoo Sports.
Who might participate in this tournament is unknown at this point, but a reasonable place to start would be recent NBA 2K cover athletes.

There are currently 11 active players that have been featured on the cover of NBA 2K at some point in their careers:
目前有11名现役球员在其职业生涯中登上过《NBA 2K》的封面,他们分别是:
Anthony Davis, Giannis Antetokounmpo, Kyrie Irving, Kevin Durant, Derrick Rose,
Blake Griffin, Paul George, LeBron James, James Harden, Chris Paul and Stephen Curry.
While fans would undoubtedly prefer to see live basketball, this format has some distinct advantages.
Theoretically, players could be mic'd up and trash talk each other live on camera,
something fans get to see very little of on actual television broadcasts of games.
It also sends a strong message of social distancing, as basketball courts around the country have been caught on film filled with players.
If NBA players are staying home and have found their own alternative to basketball, perhaps others will follow.
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