However, that person also overall enjoys the journey.
And then they enjoy the next step and being associate,
然后他们享受下一个旅途 和别人合作
being a partner,and being the MD or whatever it is.
成为别人的搭档 当上营销总监之类的
The only difference is that they enjoy the journey.
Now I have a few role models that I know.
One of them is my ex-roommate, who is an investment banker.
其中之一就是我的前室友 他是个投资银行家
We were in college together, also class of 96.
我们一起上大学 也是96届的
After graduating, being an economist major, worked for one of the premier hedge funds.
毕业之后 由于其经济学的专业 给一个着名的对冲基金工作

After that, came back to Harvard, got his JD MBA. Did extremely well here as a JD MBA.
之后他就回到哈佛 获得法律博士和工商管理硕士的双学位 学业非常优秀
Had all the offers that he wanted after. Chose another hedge fund.
之后就获得了所有他想要的机会 他又选择了另一家对冲基金
And went off on his own and started a firm with a few friends.
之后他又自立门户 和一些朋友一起开了一家公司
Now when I talked to him about investment banking
which I know very little about, I get very excited about investment banking.
我对此了解很少 我对投资银行表现得很兴奋
Because his excitement is contagious. He looks forward to work every day.
因为他的兴奋能感染我 他每天都期待着工作
And he works long hours. So he is a model of a person committed to excellence.
他工作的时间也很长 他就是一个追求卓越的例子
Even though from the outside, it may look the exact same as the "caricature" that I depicted earlier.
虽然从表面上看 就和我之前描述的形象 一模一样
So it's not about losing our ambition. It's not about not being competitive.
因此不是要我们失去雄心壮志 也不是变得没有竞争力
If that is what makes you happy. It is simply learning to also enjoy the process,
如果那能让你快乐的话 这只是让你们学会享受过程
the step on the way to a destination that you deem valuable that is important to you.
朝着你认为有意义的目的地 所迈出的步子才是最重要的