But at the meantime, he wrote dozens of beautiful poems-some of them
而同时 他写出了无数优美的诗篇 有些是
the most beautiful in the English language and numerous very powerful,
英语中最美的文字 以及许多非常强有力的
influential and beautifully crafted essays. And they were all "rough drafts".
具有影响的 结构精妙的文章 而他们都只是“草稿”
So there wasn't the pressure. This helped me a lot.
这样就没有压力了 这给了我很大的帮助
Because what I do when I thought about this, I said, "OK.
当我想到这个时 我说 “好吧
So let's see one of the domains-where perfectionism
看看完美主义 对我
was very strong for me because it was an important domain-was teaching."
影响最深的一个领域吧 因为这个领域对我很重要 就是教学”
Then I said to myself, "OK." And this was close to 10 years ago.
我就对自己说 “好吧” 这是大约十年前的事了
I said, "in 20 years, I'm going to have a leadership institute in which
我说“二十年后 我会在名列前茅的
![A37B3A0C6F82FAB4202AEA711CEDA001_副本.png A37B3A0C6F82FAB4202AEA711CEDA001_副本.png](http://upload.kekenet.com/2020/0407/14491586251249.png)
I'm going to be teaching. Amazing workshops and seminars and lectures.
学院中任教 能开很棒的学术报告和研讨会
Until then, everything is rough draft. Until then, everything is preparation."
在那之前 一切都只是草稿 在那之前 一切都只是准备”
And that took off…Now I know this is a mental game.
这真的起作用了 我现在知道这是个心理游戏
I mean I know I am "fooling myself". Because in 12 years from now,
我知道我是在骗自己 因为12年后
when that goal is actually, when I'm there 20 years later,
等目标要到了的时候 20年到了的时候
I'm going to set another goal for 20 years later.
To liberate me so that I can enjoy the here and now.
来解放我自己 这样我才能享受当下
So that I can enjoy the process, as opposed to be stuck on it having to be perfect,
这样我才能享受过程 而不是执着于 要变得完美
flawless everyday experience, which it can never be.
毫无半点瑕疵 这是永远无法达到的
So end goal can often be liberating. The Platinum Rule.
因此制定一个终极目标可以让你解放 这是铂金法则
So the Golden Rule: do not do unto others what you would not have done unto yourself"
Or "do unto others what you would unto yourself."
The foundation of most moral systems, most religions today.