Not treating ourselves differently than we would others. Holding…Having similar standards.
对待自己不能不同于对待别人 要有同样的标准
Accepting failure in the same way that we accepted in others, in people we love.
要像接受别人 我们所爱的人的失败一样 去接受我们自己的失败
After all, why not? How do we help other people?
为什么不呢 我们是如何帮助别人的
Because very often when we are in relationships,
people are in relationships with a perfectionist or,
we know a friend of ours is a perfectionist, how do we help other people?
或者我们有个朋友是完美主义者的话 我们如何去帮助别人
The first thing that is important to make very clear
is that it is extremely difficult to help other people deal with perfectionism.
就是帮助别人是非常困难的 处理完美主义的问题
It mostly has to come from within. They have to want a change.
通常都要从内部着手 他们必须要渴望改变

Because it takes time. Doesn't happen over night.
因为这是需要时间的 不是立竿见影的
I know it from research or I know it from personal experience.
我从研究中 或者个人经历中了解到这一点
And yet, we can help, after accepting that it is difficult.
但我们还是能去帮助他人 即使知道这很困难
The first most important thing to do is by example.
If I can change, and become more a person committed to excellence,
如果我能改变 成为一个追求卓越的人
enjoy the journey, celebrate even failures, even falling down once in a while.
享受过程 即使失败也要庆祝 即使偶尔挫折也要庆祝
Then I'm leading by example. And remember that experiment, right?
那我就做出了榜样 还记得那个实验吧
People do what you do, rather than what you say.
人们更愿意照着你所做的去做 而不是你说的话
Second thing to do is to tell stories about it, which is what this lecture is essentially,
第二件事就是分享这个故事 也就是这门课
the last two lectures were about-mostly, personal stories of how I moved or am moving
上两节课所讲的内容 基本上是关于我个人如何从
from being a perfectionist to being committed to excellence.
So telling stories, sharing. Again, the difference between sharing and telling:
讲故事 互相分享 再次强调分享和讲的区别:
sharing, both of us get; telling is one way street.
分享 两者皆有收获 讲就只是单行道