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英语PK台(MP3+文本) 第1136期:"打蚊灭蚊"干货口语

来源:可可英语 编辑:Villa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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dialogue 1

Jingjing: Gutentag, Mark. I thought we'd try a ------ this time. Is your -----------OK?

Mark: Yeah,it seems to be fine. I was just --------------- when your call came in.

Jingjing: Ihope I didn't -------. Hey, you look---------------

Mark: I amtired. The last ------------, I was -------------- by mosquitoes.

Jingjing: Oh, that---------------. Well, it's the ------------forthem.

Mark: Yeah,spring, and all through --------- and --------------

Jingjing: Are there a lot of mosquitoes ---------------------?

Mark: Notreally. I used to live near a ---------. That was crazy. Butone or two are enough to-----------------------

Jingjing: -------------. That ---------- sound makes it hard for anyone but the ------------to geta good night's rest.

Mark: They're -------- too, those--------------------------------

Jingjing: ---------------aren'tthey. It's a b--------------- for them, literally.

Mark: Theyseem to------------ to become more ------------through the summer. This spring, I'm surprised they already -------------. It might be because we had such a -------------------this year.

Jingjing: Mark, don't be so------------. That's the---------------------leeptalking.

Mark: I needto find a solution,----------------- Have you got any ideas?

Jingjing: Well, you'd find quite a few ------------------------------

Mark: Aww,there's one now. I'm going to go----------------------

Jingjing: OK, Mark, we'll talk later.

Mark [from faraway]: ---------------------------------

dialogue 2

Jingjing: Mark, are you finished ---------------mosquitoes?

Mark: I hopeso. I got-------------. One was above my ------------ after my wifeand her parents-------------. I found another one in the -------------------------

Jingjing: Those are good ---------------. Hey, why don't you just get one ofthose ----------things with the --------------------

Mark: I'veused those before, and they were -------------------- Plus, they're notas--------------as the incense coils. Still, I'd like to keep ---------thehouse these years.

Jingjing: Iunderstand. Then, I guess -------------is ------------- also.

Mark: It is. And, for some reason that -----------you ------------- your skin doesn't ---------.

Jingjing: Did you buy --------, or are you using the one from last year?

Mark: It'sless than--------. So, I guess it's several months ------------

Jingjing: Once it's-------, it starts to lose --------------- You'd betterbuy a new----------------

Mark: I hopethat works.

Jingjing: Ifit doesn't, you could get a------, or a----------------

Mark: That'sa pretty----------------suggestion. I'm not------------- bugs. So, I wouldn't bring them into the house --------------------

Jingjing: Yeah, I was just kidding. Well, you could get---------------------

Mark: I'veseen those things. They're almost like ---------------

Jingjing: I've been using the same one for two or three years. It -------------------

Mark: Is yours the kind with a frame that goes up from----------------------------

Jingjing: That's the one. You just have to be careful not to-------------------------

Mark: I'll--------------- I guess it's time to do some ------------ shopping.

Jingjing: I'll-----------------

Mark. Talk to you next time.

new words andphrases

from dialogue

guten tag: Germangoodday!

bites: It'sterrible.

a blood sport: a gamein which people could be badly hurt

evolve: becomebetter, through random mutation and natural selection, so that later generationsof a species have made structural or behavioral adaptations

have their trickson (have/get on): startingto do something or starting to have something (i.e. I got my game on bythe third match, meaning that I began to play well and was familiar withthe rules and equipment.)

ominous: veryserious, somewhat threatening

pronto: ASAP

from dialogue 2

toxic: harmfulto people, animals or plants (not quite poisonous)

potency: effectiveness(for a medicine or other substance)

off-the-wall: weird,hard-to-believe

work like a charm: workeffectively, work right away (for a medicine or another product)

look into: research something, try it

leave you to it(leave to ): let you do something on yourown

重点单词   查看全部解释    
potency ['pəutənsi]


n. 效力,潜能,权势

poisonous ['pɔizənəs]


adj. 有毒的,恶意的

ominous ['ɔminəs]


adj. 预兆的,不祥的

incense ['insens,in'sens]


n. 香,香味,阿谀,恭维
vt. 对 ...

mutation [mju:'teiʃən]


n. 变化,转变,母音变化

random ['rændəm]


adj. 随机的,随意的,任意的
adv. 随

solution [sə'lu:ʃən]


n. 解答,解决办法,溶解,溶液

species ['spi:ʃiz]


n. (单复同)物种,种类

charm [tʃɑ:m]


n. 魅力,迷人,吸引力,美貌
v. (使)陶

substance ['sʌbstəns]


n. 物质,实质,内容,重要性,财产





