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英语PK台(MP3+文本) 第1160期:太平洋海岸骑行之旅

来源:可可英语 编辑:Villa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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dialogue 1

Jingjing: Goodafternoon, Mark. I know you've ------- a home-body; but doyou have any------------?

Mark: There's something------------,which is to--------------------.

Jingjing: Do you mean a----------------or a bike that you have ---------------

Mark: Just a ----------,with pedals. I took a trip --------------- when I was a much ------------

Jingjing: You---------told me about that! --------------- do that, exactly?

Mark: I was-----------. I took the trip between my----------- of high school.

Jingjing: That sounds--------. Did you go with a-------or --------------?

Mark: The----------trip, I took-----------; but before that, I went with groups on a few ------------ andwith one of my best friends----------------------.

Jingjing: Tell me aboutyour------------. Where did --------------- and where did you ----------?

Mark: I started at the ---------------,and I made it----------- to a----------- of Los Angeles, California.

Jingjing: ---------- didit take you?

Mark: It took -------------. I only took----------------- off from riding.

Jingjing: You must haveseen the ------------ quite a bit. What was that like?

Mark: Well, I call it my-----------------trip. In the---------- two states (Washington and Oregon), most of thetrees ----------------. Then, as I --------------, I started to see palmtrees.

Jingjing: Aren't the-----------------------------in California?

Mark: Yeah, I didn'tknow how ----------- California was until I---------------------it. Thatwas a ------------------ section.

Jingjing: --------------you want to do a trip like that again.

dialogue 2

Jingjing: Mark, you weretelling me about ------------------. What was your ------------part?

Mark: ------------- was quitenice. I took a ------------- there, but -------------- in MarinHeadlands. So, I had about a----------- the city, even though I could seethe city from -----------where I-------------------- my tent.

Jingjing: That'd be -----------------------------------------

Mark: It was great, ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Jingjing: A friend ofmine was thinking about doing a ----------------, but probably would want tosee more---------------. What would you ---------- for a -------- trip?

Mark: Portland to SanFrancisco would be great. It'd be better to have--------------- that,though, to put a little ---------------------------

Jingjing: Good to know. Hey, did you see ------------------doing the same thing as you?

Mark: Yeah--------------------------------

Jingjing: Were they---------------people like you?

Mark: No. Most ofthem --------------. One guy was --------------------

Jingjing: Did you------------------------

Mark: Nah. ------------------------. Also, we---------- in the same areas and shared -------------

Jingjing: What was the------------------like?

Mark: Most parks had-------------that were set apart from the ----------------- with -------------. Thatwas nice, often so quiet you could hear the -------------------through thenight.

Jingjing: That sounds -----------. I'll------------------- your suggestion, and hope that you have a chanceto -------------------- like that.

Mark Thanks, Jingjing. Good -----------

new words and phrases

from dialogue 1

home-body: (noun)

solo: (adjective or adverb)

stint: (noun)

from dialogue 2

posh: (adjective)

diner: (noun)

slack: (noun or adjective)

重点单词   查看全部解释    
seethe [si:ð]


v. 沸腾,煮沸,起泡 n. 拥挤,激动,骚动

slack [slæk]


n. 松弛的部分,松散,淡季,中止

stint [stint]


v. 节省,限制,停止 n. 节约,限制,定额的工作 n

tent [tent]


n. 帐篷
v. 住帐篷,宿营

solo ['səuləu]


n. 独奏,独唱
adj. 单独的





