Following months of talks, the unSecurity Council passed a resolution calling for a 90-day global ceasefire to allow wartorn areas to battle COVID-19.
India banned 59 apps developed by China’s tech giants, including TikTok, accusing them of threatening the country’s security. The apps have hundreds of millions of users in India.
A terrorist outfit seeking independence for Balochistan, Pakistan’s largest province, claimed responsibility for an attack on the stock exchange in Karachi. The assailants killed three people before they were shot dead by police.

Iran issued an arrest warrant for Donald Trump. It asked Interpol for help in detaining him and 35 others it accuses of involvement in the drone strike that killed Qassem Suleimani in January. Suleimani was an Iranian general who oversaw Shia militias that carried out attacks all over the Middle East. Interpol dismissed Iran’s request.
Scores of people were killed during demonstrations in Ethiopia that erupted after the killing of Hachalu Hundessa, a prominent Oromo musician. His songs helped inspire a protest movement that led to the appointment of Abiy Ahmed as prime minister in 2018.
著名奥罗莫音乐家哈卡鲁·亨德萨(Hachalu Hundessa)被杀后,埃塞俄比亚爆发了示威活动,导致数十人丧生。他的歌曲帮助激发了一场抗议运动,导致阿比·艾哈迈德(Abiy Ahmed)在2018年被任命为总理。
The leaders of Niger, Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali and Mauritania met to discuss ways of strengthening security to stop a jihadist insurgency in the Sahel. They were joined by Emmanuel Macron, the president of France, and Pedro Sánchez, the prime minister of Spain. France has more than 5,000 troops in the region.
尼日尔、布基纳法索、乍得、马里和毛里塔尼亚的领导人举行会议,讨论如何加强安全措施,制止萨赫勒地区的圣战分子叛乱。法国总统的埃马纽埃尔·马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)和西班牙总理佩德罗·桑切斯(Pedro Sanchez)也出席了会议。法国在该地区有5000多名士兵。
Zimbabwe froze most mobilemoney transactions to defend its ailing currency. It also suspended trading on the stock exchange, where traders had been observing share prices to estimate how much the currency is really worth.
Nearly 30 people, thought to be from the New Generation Jalisco drug gang, attacked the armoured car in which Mexico City’s police chief was riding. Two bodyguards and a passerby were killed. In the town of Irapuato, 24 people were slain by gunmen at a drug-rehabilitation centre. One of the government’s central pledges is to reduce gang violence.
Mexican police arrested a new suspect for the murder of 43 students in the southern state of Guerrero in 2014. An earlier report by the government contended that police had handed over the students to a gang, which killed the students and burned their bodies. The report was widely seen as flawed.
The United States-Mexico Canada Agreement, which replaces the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), came into force.
Mississippi’s legislature voted to remove the Confederate battle flag from the state flag, which has flown outside the Capitol building since 1894. It is the last state to unstitch the emblem of the Confederacy from official regalia.
Russians voted in a plebiscite on constitutional reforms. According to the electoral commission, 78% approved a package that includes in- flation-proof pensions, a high minimum wage and a ban on gay marriage. It also allows Vladimir Putin to run twice more for president, and to sack judges. Voters had to say yes or no to the whole package.
In France Emmanuel Macron’s party was hammered in the second round of local elections. The Greens won the mayor’s office in a number of big cities; the Socialists handily hung on to Paris. Mr Macron is now under pressure to relaunch his presidency with an extensive reshuffle.
The first round in Poland’s presidential election was inconclusive, a rebuke to the incumbent Andrzej Duda, who is backed by the ruling Law and Justice party. Polls show him running neck and neck with the liberal mayor of Warsaw in the next round.
波兰总统选举的第一轮没有结果,这是对现任总统安杰伊·杜达(Andrzej Duda)的不满,杜达得到了执政的法律与正义党(Law and Justice party)的支持。据民调显示,在下一轮选举中,他与自由派华沙市长势均力敌。
Ireland got its first-ever coalition government between its two historic main parties, Fianna Fail and Fine Gael. The new prime minister, Micheal Martin, replaced Leo Varadkar, who will return to the office in two years’ time if the coalition lasts that long.
爱尔兰历史上第一次由两个主要政党共和党和统一党组成联合政府。新任总理迈克尔马丁(Micheal Martin)取代了利奥·瓦拉卡尔(Leo Varadkar),如果联合政府能长时间维持,那么瓦拉卡尔将在两年后重返总理职位。
Britain’s prime minister, Boris Johnson, invoked the spirit of Franklin Roosevelt when he announced a “new deal” to rebuild the economy. Many of the “new” projects are already in the pipeline. Mr Johnson has urged his countrymen to go to their local for a pint when pubs reopen on July 4th.
Coronavirus briefs
More states in America reimposed lockdowns amid a surge in COVID-19. The number of daily cases nationally passed 50,000 for the first time. In California, which had been considered an early success, restaurants and other businesses in 19 counties were ordered to shut. In Arizona, where infections have doubled in the past two weeks, the governor ordered gyms, bars and cinemas to close again for at least a month.
Leicester, a city in Britain, was put back under lockdown as cases there continued to rise, to three times that of the city with the next-highest rate.