In another dreadful week for workers in the aviation industry, Airbus said it would cut 15,000 jobs, about a tenth of its total, because it does not expect demand for its aircraft to return to pre-COVID levels until at least 2023, or possibly 2025. The announcement was lambasted in France, where the government has dispensed a huge rescue package. Aeromexico, Mexico’s biggest international airline, filed for bankruptcy protection. And easyJet, a British carrier, started a consultation on redundancies, which could see 727 pilots lose their jobs. Qantas announced 6,000 jobs cuts.

There was some good news for Virgin Australia, after two months in bankruptcy proceedings, as Bain Capital stepped in to buy the business. Shareholders lost their shirts in the deal, but the airline hopes to fly again in September.
在经历了两个月的破产程序后,维珍澳大利亚航空公司(Virgin Australia)迎来了一些好消息,贝恩资本(Bain Capital)介入收购了该公司。股东们在这笔交易中血本无归,但该航空公司希望在9月份恢复营业。
The Federal Aviation Administration confirmed that the first certification flights had been conducted for Boeing’s 737 max, which has been grounded for 15 months following two crashes. Although the tests were described as a “milestone” in its rehabilitation, Boeing’s passenger plane won’t be returning to the skies soon; the faa still has to carry out “a number of key tasks”.
美国联邦航空管理局证实,波音737 max飞机已经进行了首次飞行认证。这款机型在两次坠毁事件后停飞了15个月。尽管此番测试被称为波音飞机修复过程的一座“里程碑”,但波音的客机不会很快重返蓝天;联邦航空局仍然需要执行“一些关键任务”。
Shell joined the list of big oil and gas companies that have had to write down the value of assets because of falling energy demand and lower oil prices. The company expects to record charges of between $15bn and $22bn in the second quarter related to the writedowns. BP, meanwhile, agreed to sell what is left of its petrochemicals business to Ineos, a privately held firm with a record of taking over the chemical divisions of multinational companies, for $5bn.
Germany became the latest flashpoint for safety concerns at Amazon warehouses during the pandemic, as its workers went on strike. Their union claims that 40 people contracted COVID-19 at two sites recently. The online retailer says it has provided enough personal protective equipment.
Meanwhile,Amazon sealed a dealto buy Zoox, a developer of self-driving taxis. Reportedly costing $1.2bn, itis Amazon’s biggestinvestmentin autonomous-vehicle technology, which it may try to adaptforits delivery services.
Wells Fargo became the first big American bank to cut its dividend in light of the Federal Reserve’s recent stress tests. The central bank banned share buy-back programmes and capped dividends for 33 banks during the third quarter. All large banks will be required to resubmit and update their capital plans later this year to show they can cope with an extreme economic scenario.
Cirque du Soleil filed for bankruptcy protection and laid off 3,500 employees who had been furloughed in March, when it was forced to cancel performances because of COVID-19. In other pandemicrelated redundancies, SSP Group, which operates food outlets at transport hubs around the world, and is best known in Britain, its home market, for its Upper Crust and Camden Food Co shops, slashed 5,000 jobs. Microsoft announced the permanent closure of all its 83 stores, most of which are in America.
太阳马戏团申请破产保护,并解雇了3500名曾在3月份被迫休假的员工,当时由于新冠肺炎疫情被迫取消演出。在其他与疫情相关的裁员中,SSP集团裁掉了5000个工作岗位。该集团在世界各地的交通枢纽运营着食品店,在其本土市场英国最为人熟知的是其Upper Crust以及卡姆登食品公司(Camden food Co)的门店。微软宣布永久关闭其所有83家门店,其中大部分位于美国。
American stockmarkets recorded their best quarter in at least two decades. From April to June the s&p 500 and Dow Jones Industrial Average rose by around 25%, and the Nasdaq by over a third. Most of the gains came in April and May following the market rout in March amid the coronavirus crisis (European stocks actually outperformed the s&p 500 in June). Most share indices are still lower than at the start of the year. The tech-heavy Nasdaq is a notable exception; it has climbed by 10%.
Tesla overtook Toyota to become the world’s biggest carmaker by market capitalisation. The maker of electric vehicles has seen its share price rev up from $225 a year ago to $1,120, giving it a value of more than $205bn. It has yet to turn an annual profit.