Well, first and foremost, my personal goal with the service is that I believe fundamentally that public conversation is critical.
There are existential problems facing the world that are facing the entire world, not any one particular nation-state,
that global public conversation benefits. And that is one of the unique dynamics of Twitter, that it is completely open,
it is completely public, it is completely fluid, and anyone can see any other conversation and participate in it.
So there are conversations like climate change. There are conversations like the displacement in the work through artificial intelligence.
There are conversations like economic disparity. No matter what any one nation-state does, they will not be able to solve the problem alone.
It takes coordination around the world, and that's where I think Twitter can play a part.
The second thing is that Twitter, right now, when you go to it, you don't necessarily walk away feeling like you learned something.
Some people do. Some people have a very, very rich network, a very rich community that they learn from every single day.
But it takes a lot of work and a lot of time to build up to that.
So we want to get people to those topics and those interests much, much faster and make sure that they're finding something that,
no matter how much time they spend on Twitter -- and I don't want to maximize the time on Twitter, I want to maximize
what they actually take away from it and what they learn from it, and…