Before I tell you, answer this question, please,' said Nick. 'You called me Mr Hollywood in Whistler. And you wanted the man at the next table, the man with white hair, to hear you. Is that right?'
Meg Hutson did not answer at first. Then she said quietly, 'Yes'.
'Why?' asked Nick.
'I wanted him to follow you, and not me.'
'Why?' Nick asked again.
'I think he's a detective,' said Meg. 'And I think he's working for my father. I saw him soon after I left Toronto. He followed me.' Meg put her hand on Craig Winters' arm.

'My father doesn't like Craig. A month ago, he told me not to see Craig again. I'm not happy, and he knows that. I think he guessed that I'm meeting Craig. And now he wants to find Craig and stop him seeing me.'
'Stop him?' said Nick. 'Or kill him?'
'No!' Meg Hutson said. 'Daddy doesn't --'
'The man with white hair pushed me in front of a car in Vancouver,' Nick told her. 'And he shot at me in Stanley Park.'
'What!' said Meg.
'Tell -- tell me about this man with white hair,' Winters said suddenly.
Nick looked at him. 'He's about sixty, and he's tall and thin,' he said.
'Do you know his name?' asked Winters.
'Vickers,' said Nick.
Craig Winters suddenly looked ill. 'Did he -- did he follow you to Victoria? Did he follow you here?'