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BBC纪录片《文明》第9集 第11期:安塞尔姆·基弗

来源:可可英语 编辑:sophie   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Kiefer called a recent show in London "Wallhalla".
  • 基弗把最近在伦敦举办的展览取名"瓦尔哈拉"
  • In its central corridor,German memory has become a hospital ward.
  • 在中央走道里 德国记忆成为了医院病房
  • The beds are empty...
  • 床位空着...
  • ..Labelled, as though their occupants have passed on,the obsessions of German mythology taken off to history's mortuary.
  • 贴着标签 好像病人都已经去世 对德国神话的痴迷 变成了历史的停尸间
  • I've always been moved by Kiefer's work because it seems to share the historian's version of the Hippocratic Oath,to wage war against forgetfulness.
  • 我经常被基弗的作品震撼 因为他的作品 像是历史学家视角的希波克拉底誓词 对遗忘发起战争
  • His vast landscapes are often soiled and smoking.
  • 他开阔的风景图 总是充斥着脏污和烟尘
  • On them, he lays down fateful railway lines stretching away into a remote distance,
  • 在画里 他画上了宿命的火车轨 延伸至远方
  • where the vanishing point of perspective is also the vanishing place for people.
  • 直到视野的尽头 那也是人们消没的地方
  • Well, welcome to the inside of Anselm Kiefer's brain.
  • 欢迎来到安塞尔姆·基弗的脑海深处
  • Quite a place, isn't it?
  • 这地方不错 是吧
  • He calls it his arsenal, but the only weapons we've got here are the things that matter most to Kiefer - memories.
  • 他称它为他的兵工厂 我们唯一拥有的武器就是对基弗最重要的记忆
  • And there they are, printed on spools of lead.
  • 就是这些 印在铅制线轴上
  • He loves lead as a medium. It's a very unusual choice,and the sense in which it's kind of dangerous is perfect for Kiefer.
  • 他喜欢用铅做媒介 非常与众不同 但是铅带给基弗危险的感觉 对他而言是个完美的选择
  • It bears the impression of all sorts of catastrophes and calamities on those great spools and ribbons hanging down.
  • 这些铅制线轴和垂落的带子 能给人带来各种灾难的感觉
  • This is also an archive, isn't it?
  • 这也是一间档案馆 不是吗
  • It's an archive of his own particular world.
  • 这是他自己小世界的一个档案馆
  • So we've got the titles of his favourite stories,but we also have the names of heroes there.
  • 我们可以看到他最喜爱故事的名字 以及英雄们的名字
  • Together with the kind of raw, blond hank of hair,we have the Lorelei, the Rhinemaidens,who lured sailors to their death on the rocks.
  • 与这束未经修饰的金发一起 我们可以看到罗蕾莱 莱茵少女们 她们引诱着水手们撞上岩石而死
  • We have Freia and Hodr,all sorts of gods and heroes cluttered here.
  • 我们可以看到弗蕾亚和霍德尔 各种神明和英雄的名字杂乱地散布在这里
  • I must say, this actual place makes even my own study look quite neat by comparison.
  • 我得说我自己的书房跟这个地方目前的状况相比 显得相当整洁了
  • But this is the sort of place that you feel you've stumbled into after a bomb has dropped on it.
  • 但这是那种你会觉得 你无意间闯入了一个被炸弹轰炸过的地方
  • You know, you've just been abandoned.
  • 你只是被遗弃了


Kiefer called a recent show in London "Wallhalla".


In its central corridor,German memory has become a hospital ward.

在中央走道里 德国记忆成为了医院病房

The beds are empty...


..Labelled, as though their occupants have passed on,the obsessions of German mythology taken off to history's mortuary.

贴着标签 好像病人都已经去世 对德国神话的痴迷 变成了历史的停尸间

I've always been moved by Kiefer's work because it seems to share the historian's version of the Hippocratic Oath,to wage war against forgetfulness.

我经常被基弗的作品震撼 因为他的作品 像是历史学家视角的希波克拉底誓词 对遗忘发起战争

His vast landscapes are often soiled and smoking.

他开阔的风景图 总是充斥着脏污和烟尘


On them, he lays down fateful railway lines stretching away into a remote distance,

在画里 他画上了宿命的火车轨 延伸至远方

where the vanishing point of perspective is also the vanishing place for people.

直到视野的尽头 那也是人们消没的地方

Well, welcome to the inside of Anselm Kiefer's brain.


Quite a place, isn't it?

这地方不错 是吧

He calls it his arsenal, but the only weapons we've got here are the things that matter most to Kiefer - memories.

他称它为他的兵工厂 我们唯一拥有的武器就是对基弗最重要的记忆

And there they are, printed on spools of lead.

就是这些 印在铅制线轴上

He loves lead as a medium. It's a very unusual choice,and the sense in which it's kind of dangerous is perfect for Kiefer.

他喜欢用铅做媒介 非常与众不同 但是铅带给基弗危险的感觉 对他而言是个完美的选择

It bears the impression of all sorts of catastrophes and calamities on those great spools and ribbons hanging down.

这些铅制线轴和垂落的带子 能给人带来各种灾难的感觉

This is also an archive, isn't it?

这也是一间档案馆 不是吗

It's an archive of his own particular world.


So we've got the titles of his favourite stories,but we also have the names of heroes there.

我们可以看到他最喜爱故事的名字 以及英雄们的名字

Together with the kind of raw, blond hank of hair,we have the Lorelei, the Rhinemaidens,who lured sailors to their death on the rocks.

与这束未经修饰的金发一起 我们可以看到罗蕾莱 莱茵少女们 她们引诱着水手们撞上岩石而死

We have Freia and Hodr,all sorts of gods and heroes cluttered here.

我们可以看到弗蕾亚和霍德尔 各种神明和英雄的名字杂乱地散布在这里

I must say, this actual place makes even my own study look quite neat by comparison.

我得说我自己的书房跟这个地方目前的状况相比 显得相当整洁了

But this is the sort of place that you feel you've stumbled into after a bomb has dropped on it.

但这是那种你会觉得 你无意间闯入了一个被炸弹轰炸过的地方

You know, you've just been abandoned.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
arsenal ['ɑ:sənl]


n. 兵工厂,军械库,储藏 Arsenal n. 阿森纳

ward [wɔ:d]


n. 守卫,监护,受监护人,病房,行政区

medium ['mi:diəm]


n. 媒体,方法,媒介
adj. 适中的,中等



n. 健忘,忽略

corridor ['kɔridɔ:]


n. 走廊

comparison [kəm'pærisn]


n. 比较

oath [əuθ]


n. 誓言,誓约,咒骂语

unusual [ʌn'ju:ʒuəl]


adj. 不平常的,异常的

perspective [pə'spektiv]


n. 远景,看法,透视
adj. 透视的

impression [im'preʃən]


n. 印象,效果





