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来源:可可英语 编辑:Villa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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dialogue 1

Jingjing: Mark, did you _____in the snow yesterday?

Mark: I went out for a ____, went ____ the park, and then _____at a new ____ that just opened.

Jingjing: Did they have anything ____?

Mark: Just the _____mostly, but a ____, at least because they're having their ______. Hey, what's that you're ___?

Jingjing: They're fresh mixed ____, with a ____ wine dressing.

Mark: Those look pretty good—not your usual ____ lettuce.

Jingjing: When I opened the box, I _____ different kinds of ____.

Mark: Is that Thai basil too?

Jingjing: This ____ one? I guess so. I don't know about these ___though. They probably just put them in as _____.

Mark: Sure, they ______—or that box. Those are nasturtiums, though. You can____ them.

Jingjing: Ihad a ____ by accident in one of my _____. It tasted kind of like ____.

Mark: Yeah, that's the ____. I'm ____ now, about what you're eating. Where did you get it?

Jingjing: I had it ____. Apparently, there's a _____. A guy on a ____ brought it to our ____.

Mark: Would you mind showing me the ____ where you ordered that?

Jingjing: Is till have it _______. Here. Take a look.

Mark: Thanks. “Picked, to your place in an hour.” That's acool __. _____________.

Jingjing: They are. I'll order ______ next time I know you're coming.

dialogue 2

Jingjing: Mark, did you find that indoor farm company ________?

Mark: Yeah, I'm just looking at the _____ they have, showing their _____. It looks pretty _______.

Jingjing: I read _____about them, before I ___ anything from them. They have______farms, like the one you see in the pictures.

Mark: The one they're showing here looks like it's ____________.

Jingjing: Right. They call it _____ farming, because the plants _______the another.

Mark: So, I guess they use hydroponics.

Jingjing: They use hydroponics and aeroponics. Their ________uses aquaponics.

Mark: That's a ____ one. How does that work?

Jingjing: Well, according to what I read, their farm has a _______. _________. So, it's a _____ loop.

Mark: That's pretty _______.

Jingjing: It is. Best of all, they ______ spaces together with ___, ___ centers and_____ studios.

Mark: That sounds like a win-win.

Jingjing: Sure. Those ____ centers get a _____ on rent, and each indoor farm gets a bit of ______.

Mark: That's good. I know ____________

Jingjing: Right. That's why these indoor farms have put in ____ where plants are ______sunlight.

Mark: Hmm, I guess the fitness centers get a bit more _______ too.

Jingjing: They get a lot more ____.

Mark: That's great. I know what I'm having for _____ now!

Jingjing: Good for you, Mark. Enjoy!

new words and phrases

from dialogue 1

grand opening:




from dialogue 2




closed loop:



重点单词   查看全部解释    
slogan ['sləugən]


n. 标语,口号

fitness ['fitnis]


n. 适合度(生物学术语) n. 健康

lettuce ['letis]


n. 莴苣,生菜,纸币





