The bigger problem at Time Inc. was the same as the one at the Times:
The magazine company did not want Apple to own its subscribers and prevent it from having a direct billing relationship.
Time Inc. wanted to create apps that would direct readers to its own website in order to buy a subscription. Apple refused.
When Time and other magazines submitted apps that did this, they were denied the right to be in the App Store.

Jobs tried to negotiate personally with the CEO of Time Warner, Jeff Bewkes, a savvy pragmatist with a no-bullshit charm to him.
They had dealt with each other a few years earlier over video rights for the iPod Touch;
几年前,就iPod Touch视频权的问题,两人已打过交道;
even though Jobs had not been able to convince him to do a deal involving HBO's exclusive rights to show movies soon after their release,
he admired Bewkes's straight and decisive style.
For his part, Bewkes respected Jobs's ability to be both a strategic thinker and a master of the tiniest details.
"Steve can go readily from the overarching principals into the details," he said.