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爱的教育(MP3+中英字幕) 第260期:六月-难船(1)

来源:可可英语 编辑:sara   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet




(Last Monthly Story.)


One morning in the month of December, several years ago, there sailed from the port of Liverpool a huge steamer, which had on board two hundred persons, including a crew of sixty. The captain and nearly all the sailors were English. Among the passengers there were several Italians, three gentlemen, a priest, and a company of musicians. The steamer was bound for the island of Malta.


The weather was threatening. Among the third-class passengers forward, was an Italian lad of a dozen years, small for his age, but robust; a bold, handsome, austere face, of Sicilian type. He was alone near the fore-mast, seated on a coil of cordage, beside a well-worn valise, which contained his effects, and upon which he kept a hand. His face was brown, and his black and wavy hair descended to his shoulders. He was meanly clad, and had a tattered mantle thrown over his shoulders, and an old leather pouch on a cross-belt. He gazed thoughtfully about him at the passengers, the ship, the sailors who were running past, and at the restless sea.


He had the appearance of a boy who has recently issued from a great family sorrow, the face of a child, the expression of a man. A little after their departure, one of the steamer's crew, an Italian with gray hair, made his appearance on the bow, holding by the hand a little girl; and coming to a halt in front of the little Sicilian, he said to him: "Here's a travelling companion for you, Mario." Then he went away. The girl seated herself on the pile of cordage beside the boy. They surveyed each other. "Where are you going?" asked the Sicilian. The girl replied: "To Malta on the way of Naples." Then she added: "I am going to see my father and mother, who are expecting me. My name is Giulietta Faggiani."



The boy said nothing. After the lapse of a few minutes, he drew some bread from his pouch, and some dried fruit; the girl had some biscuits: they began to eat. "Look sharp there!" shouted the Italian sailor, as he passed rapidly; "a lively time is at hand!" The wind continued to increase, the steamer pitched heavily; but the two children, who did not suffer from seasickness, paid no heed to it. The little girl smiled. She was about the same age as her companion, but was considerably taller, brown of complexion, slender, somewhat sickly, and dressed more than modestly. Her hair was short and curling, she wore a red kerchief over her head, and two hoops of silver in her ears. As they ate, they talked about themselves and their affairs. The boy had no longer either father or mother. The father, an artisan, had died a few days previously in Liverpool, leaving him alone; and the Italian consul had sent him back to his country, to Palermo, where he had still some distant relatives left.


The little girl had been taken to London, the year before, by a widowed aunt, who was very fond of her, and to whom her parents poor people had given her for a time, trusting in a promise of an inheritance; but the aunt had died a few months later, run over by an omnibus, without leaving a centesimo; and then she too had had recourse to the consul, who had shipped her to Italy. Both had been recommended to the care of the Italian sailor.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
recourse [ri'kɔ:s]


n. 依赖,求助,追索权

lively ['laivli]



modestly ['mɔdistli]


adv. 谨慎地,适当地,谦虚地

austere [ɔ:'stiə]


adj. 严峻的,严格的,简朴的,禁欲的,苦行的

appearance [ə'piərəns]


n. 外表,外貌,出现,出场,露面

sailor ['seilə]


n. 海员,水手,扁平的硬边草帽

leather ['leðə]


n. 皮革,皮制品
adj. 皮革制的

crew [kru:]


n. 全体船员,全体乘务员,(一组)工作人员

threatening ['θretniŋ]


adj. 威胁(性)的,凶兆的 动词threaten的现

previously ['pri:vju:sli]


adv. 先前,在此之前


关键字: 有声读物 爱的教育




