A 2012 paper looked at the emissions associated with both domestic and imported materials for 186 countries.
The authors found that while nations in the imperial core seemed to have decoupled their GDP from domestic raw material consumption, when imported materials are included they observe "no improvements in resource productivity at all."
This means that the decarbonization that ecomodernists point to is just another product of unequal exchange.
The imperial core are dumping their ecological burden on the periphery in the form of factories and extraction, and then claiming they're doing good.
In addition, the technologies that ecomodernists propose as tools to achieve decoupling have still yet to be tested in the real world.
The largest direct air capture plant, for example, only sucks up the equivalent of 790 passenger cars worth of CO2 every year, while next-generation nuclear power is still just an idea yet to be tested.
But ecomodernism also champions another form of decoupling.
One that seeks to separate humanity from nature itself.
This is exemplified in their ideas for megacities and agricultural intensification.
According to ecomodernists both the mechanization of farming and creating dense cities means less impact on the land while still maintaining similar food production and quality of life.
But the reality is that industrialized farming uses more land for each yield than small-scale agriculture, which by the way has an added bonus of connecting people with the land so they actually care about it.
Even vertical farming requires extensive electricity to power, which is unfeasible in an era when we need to be sharply decreasing demand.
As for megacities, the dream is that cities are more efficient, which in some respects they are, but once they grow too large their efficiency drops.
According to one analysis of material flows in megacities, "the 7% of the world's population living in megacities consumes 9% of its electricity and 10% of its petrol and produces nearly 13% of the world’s waste."
In short, decoupling from the land will not only not work, but it will divorce us from a world that grounds us, makes us happy, and gives us life.
Ultimately, ecomodernism presents technological pipedreams wrapped in myths of decoupling and modernization.
If we are serious about climate change, if we are serious about action, eco-modernism is not the path forward.
Ecomodernist thought is a spectre that pervades both left and right climate action.
If left unchecked, an ecomodernist climate plan could mean the locking in of capitalist inequality and imperialist agendas under the guise of technological progress.
Holding out for untested technologies like direct carbon capture and thorium reactors instead of focusing on degrowth in sectors like the military and fossil fuels, could mean that 40 years down the road we will be in an even worse position than we are right now.
Eco-modernism, now championed by ultra-rich billionaires like Elon Musk and Bill Gates, is an insidious response to climate change that greenwashes capitalism and imperialism.
To truly address the climate crisis we can't just do more of the same as eco-modernism suggests.
We must break abruptly from our current systems ofimperialist extraction and fossil fuel-driven capitalist destruction, and embrace new ecological ways of living that champion climate reparations for Global South, connection to and stewardship of the natural world, and the liberation of all people and planet.