【延伸阅读朗读版已更新在公众号“可可英语晨读”】免费领取500+期精美双语打印版讲义、加入晨读打卡学习群,微信关注“可可英语晨读”公众号,win the morning,win the day!
Is expensive perfume worth the money? What they have that cheaper ones may not, and how to choose the right scent for you
There are a number of decisions to make before choosing a perfume, from finding your preferred quality, intensity and longevity to the brands and notes you like the most. No matter your preferences, though, there’s always the question of how much to spend and if it’s truly worth splashing out on a luxury fragrance.
The method to make both high-end scents and budget-friendly ones is the same, says Alexia P Hammonds, founder and CEO of lifestyle brand Eat. So what sets a perfume apart and how do you justify its price?
Think of two hamburgers – one in a Michelin-star restaurant and another at a fast-food chain. Although they’re conceptually the same, the fancy restaurant will have access to high-quality ingredients that are less processed and deeper in flavour. The same happens with scents – high-end perfume houses have access to better ingredients.
【延伸阅读朗读版已更新在公众号“可可英语晨读”】免费领取500+期精美双语打印版讲义、加入晨读打卡学习群,微信关注“可可英语晨读”公众号,win the morning,win the day!