Chapter Four What Caspian Did There
第四章 凯斯宾略施巧计
Next morning the Lord Bern called his guests early, and after breakfast he asked Caspian to order every man he had into full armour.
第二天, 伯恩一早就来看他的客人。吃过早餐, 他请求凯斯宾下令让所有的手下都穿好铠甲, 戴好头盔。
"And above all, "he added, "let everything be as trim and scoured as if it were the morning of the first battle in a great war between noble kings with all the world looking on.
"最重要的是, "他又加上一句, "把一切都收拾得整整齐齐, 整理得干干净净的, 就像今天早上尊贵的国王要公开进行一场战役。
"This was done;and then in three boatloads Caspian and his people, and Bern with a few of his, put out for Narrowhaven.
"这一切都安排好之后, 凯斯宾和他的手下, 还有伯恩就分乘三船, 向狭港出发。
The King's flag flew in the stern of his boat and his trumpeter was with him.
他们还带了号手随行, 国王的战旗在船尾飘扬, 非常醒目。
When they reached the jetty at Narrowhaven, Caspian found a considerable crowd assembled to meet them.
他们到达港口码头的时候, 一大批民众早已聚在一起欢迎他们。
"This is what I sent word about last night, "said Bern. "They are all friends of mine and honest people. "
"这就是我昨晚传话要准备的事情, "伯恩说, "他们都是我的朋友, 绝对靠得住。"
And as soon as Caspian stepped ashore the crowd broke out into hurrahs and shouts of, "Narnia ! Narnia ! Long live the King. "
凯斯宾一上岸, 民众就高呼:"纳尼亚!纳尼亚!国王万岁!"
At the same moment--and this was also due to Bern's messengers--bells began ringing from many parts of the town.
同时, 也是因为伯恩信使的安排----镇上所有的地方都钟鼓齐鸣。
Then Caspian caused his banner to be advanced and his trumpet to be blown and every man drew his sword and set his face into a joyful sternness, and they marched up the street so that the street shook, and their armour shone(for it was a sunny morning)so that one could hardly look at it steadily.
于是凯斯宾传令旗手开道, 吹响号角。每个人都刀剑出鞘, 齐步行进, 庄严肃穆。整个街面都为之震动, 这一天艳阳高照, 他们的铠甲闪闪发亮, 光芒让人睁不开眼睛。
At first the only people who cheered were those who had been warned by Bern's messenger and knew what was happening and wanted it to happen.
最开始欢呼的是伯恩的信使事先安排好的亲信, 他们都知道这些情况, 早就期待着这么一天。
But then all the children joined in because they liked a procession and had seen very few.
后来所有的孩子都加入了游行的队伍, 因为这种盛大的场面太少见了。
And then all the schoolboys joined in because they also liked processions and felt that the more noise and disturbance there was the less likely they would be to have any school that morning.
再后来好多学生也加入其中, 因为外面那么乱恐怕学校里也不会开课了。
And then all the old women put their heads out of doors and windows and began chattering and cheering because it was a king, and what is a governor compared with that ?
再后来, 老太太们也从窗户探出头来, 高声欢呼, 他们说这到底是国王的阵势啊, 总督哪里比得上。
And all the young women joined in for the same reason and also because Caspian and Drinian and the rest were so handsome.
And then all the young men came to see what the young women were looking at, so that by the time Caspian reached the castle gates, nearly the whole town was shouting;and where Gumpas sat in the castle, muddling and messing about with accounts and forms and rules and regulations, he heard the noise.
几乎所有的年轻男人也都出来看这些女人在议论什么。等到凯斯宾到达城堡的时候, 全城的人都开始欢呼。而此时, 坐在城堡里正摆弄那些账目和条条框框的冈帕斯, 也听到了外面的喧闹声。
At the castle gate Caspian's trumpeter blew a blast and cried, "Open for the King of Narnia, come to visit his trusty and well-- beloved servant the governor of the Lone Islands."
凯斯宾的号子手在城堡大门口吹响号角, 并大喊:"请为纳尼亚国王打开城门, 国王驾到, 来看他忠诚、可靠、受人尊敬的总督了。"
In those days everything in the islands was done in a slovenly, slouching manner.
那些年月的孤独群岛一切事物都破烂不堪, 守卫们也是懒懒散散。
Only the little postern opened, and out came a tousled fellow with a dirty old hat on his head instead of a helmet, and a rusty old pike in his hand. He blinked at the flashing figures before him.
城门只打开了一个偏门, 走出来了一个蓬头垢面, 没有头盔, 只戴着破帽子的家伙, 手里拎着一支旧长矛。他挤着眼看着这些浑身金光闪闪的人。
"Carn-- seez--fishansy, "he mumbled (which was his way of saying, "You can't see His Sufficiency"). "No interviews without ‘pointments'cept‘tween nine'n' ten p. m. second Saturday every month. "
"大人不见……"这家伙言辞不清地说, "没约好一律不见, 只有每个月第二个星期六晚上九点到十点才接见。"
"Uncover before Narnia, you dog, "thundered the Lord Bern, and dealt him a rap with his gauntleted hand which sent his hat flying from his head.
"你这个看门狗, 在纳尼亚国王的面前, 竟然不行礼!"伯恩公爵怒吼的声音如雷贯耳。然后一巴掌把他头上的帽子给打飞了。
"Ere ?Wot's it all about ?"began the doorkeeper, but no one took any notice of him.
"嗯?这是怎么回事?"守门人迷迷糊糊地问, 却没人搭理他。
Two of Caspian's men stepped through the postern and after some struggling with bars and bolts(for everything was rusty)flung both wings of the gate wide open.
凯斯宾手下的两个人直接跨过偏门, 费了好大力气才把生了锈的两扇大门打开。
Then the King and his followers strode into the courtyard.