Water shrews are the cheetahs of the wetlands.
Water shrews have the highest metabolism of any diving mammal.
They seldom go more than a few hours without a meal and this shrew hasn't eaten all morning.
它们很少几个小时不吃饭 这只水鼩整个早上都没吃东西
The edge of the stream provides some rewards, but he'll need more than an insect carcass to satisfy his appetite.
溪边有些好东西 但它需要的不仅仅是昆虫尸体来满足食欲
His favorite meals are found just below the water's surface.
As the smallest diving mammal on earth, hunting for this shrew lasts just a few seconds.
作为地球上最小的潜水哺乳动物 这只水鼩的潜水捕猎只能持续几秒钟
But what happens underwater is remarkable.
Because of his poor eyesight, he must rely on a complex hunting strategy.
它的视力不好 它必须依靠复杂的捕猎策略
He scans the surface to detect the slightest break in the water.
它会扫描水面 寻找水中最细微的动静
Then he forages along the bottom trying to shake loose his prey.
然后它沿着底部觅食 试图甩掉猎物
When his long whiskers detect movement, he gives chase.
当它的长胡须感受到动静时 就会开始追赶
Crayfish can be elusive and they're also half his size.
小龙虾难以捕捉 而且体型只有它的一半
But with reflexes 10 times faster than our own, he eventually outpaces them.
但它的反应速度是人类的10倍 最终抓住了它们
Slower prey like these dragonfly nymphs, waiting in ambush for their own meal, rely on stealth to remain undetected.
像蜻蜓若虫这样速度较慢的猎物 它们在伏击中等待着享用大餐 只有隐身才不会被发现
To find the camouflaged nymphs, he uses a rare superpower, the ability to sniff out prey underwater.
为了找到伪装的若虫 它使用了一种罕见的超能力 即在水下嗅出猎物的能力
By blowing tiny bubbles of air, he can detect the scent particles in the water.
吹出微小的气泡 它可以探测到水中的气味颗粒
But even with his advanced arsenal, hunting often turns into an elaborate game of hide and seek.
但即使它拥有先进的武器 狩猎也常常会变成一场精心设计的捉迷藏游戏
But once the shrew locks onto its prey, it rarely escapes.
但一旦水鼩锁定了猎物 它就很难逃脱