Oh, look, here he is. I'm doing this interview and I have to sign this contract. He was like don't sign anything.
Hello, mate, I'm so sorry I'm late. I'm never usually late for this sort of thing.
Before we dive in, can you please confirm your name, where are you from and what you're here for? My name is Tom Holland. I'm from London and I'm here to get a job.
Well, this is your office for the day. I'm just gonna my office. I just like to make notes just because you know if I get the job I can backward for this and I can just hit the ground running. It's just a good thing to do I think.
Absolutely. Why don't get things started? In the crowded room and beyond, you've been pretty steeped in New York City, the history, the culture, the environment.
As a New York based company, we have to ask what's your ideal day in the city.
I would say my ideal day in the greatest city in the world, which is why I want this job, is to stroll through a Central Park and eat a bagel with all the toppings. And you know I'm walking here. You know that's, it's New York. It's the Nets. Right?
I'm a Queen's native myself. So I have to ask are there any surprise experiences or discoveries you've had in Queens.
I had a wonderful experience in Queens, where I met this amazing guy called Jimmy Jeans and he made me a bunch of custom clothes out of old recycled car, heart jackets.
我在皇后区有一段美妙的经历,在那里我遇到了Jimmy Jeans,他很了不起,他用回收的旧汽车和心形夹克为我做了一堆定制衣服。
And I don't think there's anywhere that can do that better than the greatest city of New York.
Did you get to keep any of those? Oh, yeah, I paid him to make them for me, which is why I need this job, because they were really expensive.
As a Tottenham Hotspur supporter, I'm curious in what ways has being a Tottenham fan contributed to your character and personality.
I think being a Tottenham fan is somewhat like being in the crowded room. It has taught me resilience.
You know Tottenham have never won anything and supporting them is incredibly difficult. And you know it's no secret that my show has been so horribly reviewed.
But I'm here today to promote the show and I'm I'm still here. So I'm very resilient. Resiliency. It's a good quality and a new employee. Absolutely. We really respect it.