Very recently scientists discovered that your body is teeming with trillions of the most bizarre viruses –
these viruses are not your enemies but critical to your health, protecting you from disease, maybe even killing cancer.
A new frontier of sci ence, something truly new that we are only just beginning to understand. Let us dive into the wild world of the human virome.
You are an Ecosystem. You're a living, breathing ecosystem made of up to 40 trillion cells.
This metropolis of flesh is home to the human microbiome, another 40 trillion bacteria that have a contract with your body: They get to live here and in return they break down your meals.
They synthesise vitamins in your gut, neutralise acid in your mouth, help balance your immune system, and they take up space preventing harmful bacteria from getting in.
This is a fragile balance – bacteria really only look out for themselves, multiplying and testing their boundaries.
To keep their numbers in check, your body's ecosystem needs a group of deadly predators: Viruses. At least ten trillion.
They're literally everywhere in your body, tens of thousands of different species.
At least a few trillion live in your gut, where also most of your resident bacteria are.
At least 18 billion on your skin, 100 million in each drop of your saliva, dozens of millions in your urinary tract.
Even in a single drop of the cerebrospinal fluid surrounding your nerves and brain, researchers found up to 10,000 viruses.
While this sounds like a horrible idea at first, at least in the gut, around 97% of them are bacteriophages, or phages,
bizarre creatures that are specialised in hunting down and killing resident bacteria and are not able to infect your cells.
Instead they kill trillions of bacteria every single day. Together these viruses make up the human virome – a symbiotic virus ecosystem that is completely unique to you and that seems to be crucial for your health.
Let's get to know them and see how they support you – and what happens if things go wrong.
The Silent Mass Murderers of Your Body. Inside your gut, a stealthy Lambda Phage floats through the buzzing crowds of bacteria, looking for a victim.
It has six legs, a long thin body and a big head, made of geometric shapes, filled with genetic material.
Each species is specialized in hunting one specific species of bacteria and ignores all others. Lambda is looking for Escherichia coli.
This versatile bacteria is numerous in your gut, usually a good boy synthesising vitamins for you.
But it also has a dark side – some of them would much rather live inside your flesh and feast on your resources.
If there are too many or if they manage to invade your tissue, they can cause serious diseases.
So one of the most important jobs of the virome is to control the numbers of different bacteria populations by killing them.
By killing them. Lambda has found a victim. Spider-like legs get a hold of a bacteria and grip it hard.
Like an angry syringe, it violently rams its sharp bottom into the victim's body and releases its DNA.
And once inside, the proteins disable the defenses of the bacterium. It is now a factory under new management.
It is forced to build new viruses until the victim is filled up and bursts open, releasing a horde of fresh Lambda viruses. But its goal is not genocide.
Phages need a healthy population of bacteria to survive. So sometimes they choose a way more sinister tactic.
Instead of killing their victim, the virus integrates its DNA into the genome of the bacteria and goes to sleep.
When the bacteria multiplies, the virus DNA is multiplied too. Until one day the viral DNA re-awakens and suddenly decides to kill its unsuspecting victim.
And here things become exciting – your virome also needs you to thrive. It's in its best interest that you are healthy.
So some viruses inject genes into bacteria that actively make them support your body.
Some force their bacteria hosts to support your gut's mucus layer, break down complex carbohydrates from your food more efficiently, creating substances that protect against inflammation. And they alter what signals bacteria send to your immune cells.
Basically they're letting them know: We have things under control, you can chill out.
This may prevent allergic reactions or even protect you against autoimmune diseases.
But of course, there is also a dark side to this story. Some viruses don't care about our health. Instead of helping they turn harmless bacteria into deadly monsters.
When viruses turn bacteria into killers, some species of bacteriophage carry dangerous genes for toxic substances.
When they take over their hosts, they can integrate into the genetic code of the bacteria where they lay as a deadly gift.