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Cargo of 100 smelly hogs forces Dutch flight to Mexico to reroute to Bermuda
The crew of a Royal Dutch Airlines flight from Amsterdam to Mexico City diverted their flight to Bermuda last week after the stench of roughly 100 pigs in the cargo hold became unbearable.
The flight 685 left Amsterdam Friday for a roughly 12-hour flight to Mexico City. Instead, after about seven hours into the flight, the plane landed in Bermuda, according to FlightAware.
“The distinctive aroma of 100 pigs traveling in the cargo hold prompted the flight crew to divert to Bermuda for a fresh-air break. The 259 passengers and crew, who surely never expected their journey to go hog wild, were processed through immigration,” a spokesperson for LF Wade International Airport said in a statement.
The smell reached as far as the cockpit. The human passengers were given accommodation in local hotels and flew out of Bermuda to Mexico City on Saturday night, according to Bernews. The hogs were left in the hands of Bermuda veterinary officials.
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