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一代流行天王迈克尔 杰克逊逝世
时间:2009-6-27 19:46:13  来源:可可英语  作者:echo   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 
第 1 页:逝世报道
第 2 页:生平简介
第 3 页:经典歌曲
第 4 页:MJ的名言
第 5 页:各地悼念-亚洲
第 6 页:各地悼念-英国
第 7 页:各地悼念-巴基斯坦


迈克尔 杰克逊的名言

Well if I sat here and played some chords whatever and say I'm going to write the best song I've ever written, nothing happens. Something in the heavens has to say, "Look, this is the time that this is going to be laid on you, and this is when I want you to have it" Artists seem to get in the way of the music, get out of the way of the music, you know, don't, write the music. Let the music write itself.

You know he practiced us with a belt in his hands and if you missed a step he would tear you up. I got it a lot of times, he was tough. I don't think he realized to this day how scared, so scared that we would regurgitate.

That's why to this day I don't lay a finger on my children. I don't want them to ever feel that way about me, ever. And he didn't allow us to call him Daddy. You know I wanted to call him Daddy so bad. He said I'm not Daddy, I'm Joseph. I don't allow my children to call me Michael; I say I'm Daddy, just the opposite. So when people say the abuse, abuse?--That's not true!

I've said it many times. My greatest inspiration comes from kids, every song I write, every dance I do, all the poetry I write is all inspired from that level of innocence, that consciousness of purity and children have that. I see God in the face of children, and, I just love being around that all the time.
I've had no plastic surgery on my face, just my nose, it helped me breathe better so I can hit higher notes-as I can remember, just two.

Everybody in Hollywood get plastic surgery. Plastic surgery wasn't invented for Michael Jackson. Just that though, not the whole face, just the nose, they try to say, "Why did you change it?" It's not true-it's just the nose.

I was changing, I'm telling you the honest truth: I don't do anything to my face.

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