[可可新闻脱口秀] 可可新闻脱口秀 第296期:不懂女人心,活该你单身!
Men and women are totally two different kinds of creatures. Girls are often complaining about the ignorance of their boyfriends -
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第970期:细节改变生活-狂喜(2)
细节改变生活Bliss狂喜 -
[可可新闻脱口秀] 可可新闻脱口秀 第295期:小强漂洋过海只为做你的宠物
As online shopping is becomes more and more popular, some people are buying "special" pets via the Internet. Last year, some living giant ants were found in an international parcel. -
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第969期:细节改变生活-健康饮食(1)
细节改变生活A Healthier Diet健康饮食 -
[可可新闻脱口秀] 可可新闻脱口秀 第294期:小三劝退师有用吗?
Recent media reports have revealed that a new career nicknamed "mistress dissuader" can charge quite a high price for saving a marriage. -
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第968期:每日一小事-给他人带来微笑(10)
每日一小事Make someone else smile.给他人带来微笑 -
[可可新闻脱口秀] 可可新闻脱口秀 第293期:西方社交场合着装宝典
在西方的社交场合该穿什么呢?着装之分莫不过是正式和不正式,听听本期节目,涨西方礼仪知识,衣服不能乱穿哦! -
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第967期:每日一小事-不求完美(9)
每日一小事Be imperfect.不求完美 -
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第966期:每日一小事-对你在做的事热情满满(8)
每日一小事Be enthusiastic about what you're doing.对你在做的事热情满满 -
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第965期:每日一小事-既来之,则安之(7)
每日一小事Make the best of what happens.既来之,则安之 -
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第964期:每日一小事-原谅过去的自己(6)
每日一小事Forgive your past self.原谅过去的自己 -
[可可新闻脱口秀] 可可新闻脱口秀 第292期:教你中式相亲必杀技!
Going through a blind date can be tough when two people have no idea of what each other are like. The situation can be more complicated if the two come from different cultures. -
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第963期:每日一小事-花些时间关注自己,深呼吸(
每日一小事Spend some time simply being and breathing.花些时间关注自己,深呼吸 -
[可可新闻脱口秀] 可可新闻脱口秀 第291期:中传女生遇害,女生该如何自保
The recent case of a college girl killed by her schoolmate has raised people's attention about safety again. How can we protect ourselves? And what can we do to avoid risks of being harmed? -
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第962期:每日一小事-学习一些新东西(4)
每日一小事Learn something new.学习一些新东西
经济学人:英伦生活质量 被挤压成沙漏型的劳务
8月2日,马格德莱娜和她的情人玛瑞斯因涉嫌谋杀自己的4岁儿子丹尼尔,被判 -
经济学人:有组织犯罪 和抢劫说再见
报道火车大劫案的警官传递出令人震惊的消息:你绝对不会相信,但他们刚刚抢劫 - 3
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