[可可新闻脱口秀] 可可新闻脱口秀 第323期:酒后找代驾是"疯狂"
The domestic market of designated driving service has been booming, especially after drunk driving has been written into the criminal law. -
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第1018期:为什么你朋友很少-你爱嫉妒(4)
If you feel jealous when your friend buys a new car,gets a promotion at work, or enters into a new relationship, it’s likely goingto lead to problems. 当朋友买新车、升职、发展新恋情时,你若心生妒意,问题就会随之而来。 -
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第1017期:为什么你朋友很少-从朋友身上期许太多
You Expect Too Much From Friends 你从朋友身上期许太多,如果你期望朋友总是时刻待命或满足你的需求,那将会让你失望。因为朋友有时会伤害到你的感情,也可能会时不时地令你失望。但那并不表示对方不好或你误交损友。当情感受到伤害时,要学会原谅。 -
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第1016期:为什么你朋友很少-你太霸道(2)
Bullying doesn’t end in high school for many people.好多人高中毕业后还一直霸道着。如果你对朋友呼来喝去,或随意差遣,那可能别人就不太待见你。 -
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第1015期:为什么你朋友很少-你很宅(1)
Of course, there is also a good chance that nothaving friends isn’t related to a specific character flaw. 当然,朋友少也可能会归咎于好的因素,而非特别的人格缺陷。 -
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第1014期:你不能结交的朋友-吹毛求疵的人(9)
You know these people: They're always critical ofeverything you do and say,which can be contagious.你了解这种人:他们对你所做的及所说的每一件事情总是很不满意,而这种情绪也是极具传染性的。 -
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第1013期:你不能结交的朋友-一味模仿者(8)
Imitation is the highest form of flattery, but itcould create hostility between you and your friend. 模仿是奉承的最高级形式,但是它会让你和你的朋友之间产生敌意。 -
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第1012期:你不能结交的朋友-不守信用者(7)
You're tired of constantly being disappointed bythis friend, so if you want to keep this person around, lower your expectations.你已经厌倦了这样的朋友所带给你的一次次的失望,所以,假如你还想和她交朋友,那就降低对她的期望值。 -
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第1011期:你不能结交的朋友-好冒险的人(6)
From shoplifting and experimenting with drugs todriving recklessly, your daredevil friend's behavior should raise serious redflags."You need to protect yourself," Yager says, adding tha... -
[可可新闻脱口秀] 可可新闻脱口秀 第322期:微整形还是微毁容?
China is now the 3rd largest market in the world for cosmetic surgery behind the United States and Brazil. Cosmetic injections are getting more and more popular. -
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第1010期:你不能结交的朋友-竞争者(5)
You Can't Make Friends with this man你不能结交的朋友The Competitor竞争者。有些竞争是良性的—假如你朋友的目标或者成就能成为你的动力—但是,如果竟争者想得到你所拥有的东西,并用一种敌对的方式行事,甚至不惜一切手段,不仅要得到你有的东西,还要夺去你的所有,而这可能会使你损失惨重。 -
[可可新闻脱口秀] 可可新闻脱口秀 第321期:黄金周出游,你准备好败家了吗?
With the National Day Golden week approaching, a major survey conducted by travel websites such as Qunar and Tuniu found that half of Chinese tourists have booked their tour a month in advance. -
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第1009期:你不能结交的朋友-寄生者(4)
You Can't Make Friends with this man 你不能结交的朋友 The Bloodsucker 寄生者This friend is overly dependent on you for emotional support or information. 这种朋友在情感维持方面或者信息方面会过度依赖于你。 你不能结交的朋友The Bloodsucke... -
[可可新闻脱口秀] 可可新闻脱口秀 第320期:一起去厕所是妹子们的专利哦!
Why do girls feel the need to go to the bathroom in groups? It's definitely not because our bladders are on the same schedule. For those of you who are baffled by this mystery -
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第1008期:你不能结交的朋友-出卖朋友者(3)
From spreading lies about you to going after yourromantic partner, the Double Grosser's actions are the exact opposite of afriend's. 从散播关于你的谎言到追求你的心仪伴侣,出卖朋友的人所作所为恰好都是作为一个朋友从来不会做的。
经济学人:英伦生活质量 被挤压成沙漏型的劳务
8月2日,马格德莱娜和她的情人玛瑞斯因涉嫌谋杀自己的4岁儿子丹尼尔,被判 -
经济学人:有组织犯罪 和抢劫说再见
报道火车大劫案的警官传递出令人震惊的消息:你绝对不会相信,但他们刚刚抢劫 - 3
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