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来源:可可英语 编辑:Amy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

  Part One
  1. B 2. D 3. A 4. E 5. A 6. D7. E 8. C
  Part Two
  9. B 10. F 11. G 12. D 13. E 14. A
  Part Three
  15. D 16, A 17. C 18. B 19. C 20. C
  Part Four
  21. D 22. A 23. C 24. B 25. B 26. D27. C 28. A 29. B 30. A
  Part Five
  31. FEW 32. THIS/IT 33. NO
  40. THEIR
  Part Six
  41. IT 42. THEM 43. A 44. AS
  45. OF 46. BE 47. CORRECT 48. WITH
  49. IF 50. BEING 51. CORRECT 52.
  Sample answer to question 1:
  Quarter-to-quarter sales increased throughout the year in every division. However, sales increase in the East and North are relatively modest, never over 10% percent in each quarter. By contrast, fourth quarter sales in the West and South jumped dramatically by over 200 percent.
  All four divisions exceeded Their quotas, although the percentages of their excesses vary from one another. Again, sales in the West and South exceeded their quota by greater percentages than in the North and East.
  In conclusion, it appears that we could probably establish next year's quotas at a level slightly above this year's sales. The increases of sales in the South and West seem to justify our decision to expand operations in both areas. While opportunities are more limited in the East and North, it may be cost-effective to try a limited expansion there.
  Sample answer to question 3:
  The Whistling Abalone has recently moved to a new location in Monterey, California. The transition to a larger space, with doubled seating capacity, has already revealed problems in the current pattern of operations and will undoubtedly create further problems when we move into full capacity this summer. John Bossacco, owner of the restaurant, asked me to identify these problems and to recommend a solution.
  The increased volume of food and liquor has resulted in poor inventory control. Moreover, the large size of the restaurant has impaired waiter service and floor operations in general. Another problem is the added amount of bookkeeping that has come with expanded operations. These problems must be resolved before the vacation season begins in May. The purpose of our move is to expand our business and to improve our already good reputation. Problems like those mentioned will undoubtedly hurt our reputation if not corrected immediately.
  I recommend the use of a management information system (MIS) at The Whistling Abalone to correct our problems. A simple system can solve all those problems mentioned and provide other useful features for our bright future. This system should have the following capacities:
  1. Keeping accurate and updated inventory records.
  2. Providing automatic ordering of both drinks and dinner items.
  3. Providing record- keeping and accounting functions to facilitate book keeping.
  Part One
  Interviewer (F): Good afternoon. I'm Liu Li. And this is my colleague Wang Lin. She's just going to listen to us. And your names are?
  Xie Hui (M) : My name's Xie Hui.
  Tao Sha (F) : And my name's Tao Sha.
  Interviewer: Could I have your mark sheets, please?
  Xie Hui: Sure.
  Tao Sha: Here you are.
  Interviewer: OK. Xie Hui, do you work or are you a student?
  Xie Hui: I'm a college student. My major is business management.
  Interviewer: Tao Sha, what about you?
  Tao Sha: Oh, I'm college student, too. And my major is international studies.
  Interviewer: Tao Sha, do you like your major?
  Tao Sha: Yes, very much. You know, international studies involve a lot Of things, like International law, international economics, international history and politics, etc. I like them all. Of course, English is also very important to us because it's one of the most important international languages. And myd ream is to become an ambassador or some thing like that some day.
  Interviewer: Xie Hui, what about you?
  Xie Hui: Yeah, I like my major very much. It's the major of my choice. I've always been interested in management, especially business management. I'm also very interested in English. A combination of business management and English could give me a very good edge in the job market. Now, I'd like to think of myself as a very possible candidate for the CEO position at a very big and dynamic firm home or abroad.
  Interviewer: How important do you think it is for business people to have enough leisure time?
  Tao Sha: I think it is very important. Leisure time is time for them to have a rest, to relax, to entertain. This could help relieve the pressure they get from work, so that they would be more energetic for work. In my opinion, those businessmen who have little leisure time are often less efficient in their work performance than those who have enough leisure time.
  Xie Hui: I totally agree with Tao sha on that. Having enough leisure time could ensure better performance at work. It can also allow businessmen an opportunity to get to know things other than business, even get to know some very interesting and funny people. This would result in their own good humor and make them fun to work with.
  Interviewer: OK. Thank you.
  Part Two
  Interviewer: Now, I will give each of you three topics. You will have to choose one from them, prepare for it in one minute and talk about it for one minute. OK? Here are your topics. You can make notes if you wish.
  (One minute later)
  All right. Xie Hui, which topic have you chosen?
  Xie Hui: I've chosen A. Business communication
  Interviewer: OK. You have one minute to talk. Tao Sha and I will listen to you. Tao Sha, after Xie Hui's talk, you have to ask him a question. Now, Xie Hui, you may start. I'll stop you at the end of one minute.
  Xie Hui: Business communication is indeed very important to a company. It's a quality is sue. The quality of the entire organization is reflected in the quality of its communications. It's also an issue of function. Communication is an essential function, just as sales are essential. Communication makes sales possible. People must communicate to plan products, coordinate manufacturing and delivery, persuade customers to buy, and bill them for the sale. Indeed, for many businesses, the "product" is information or service rather than something tangible. And information and services are created and delivered by communication. In every organization, communication is the way people get their points across and get work done.
  Interviewer: Thank you. Now, Tao Sha, what is the question you'd like to ask Xie Hui?
  Tao Sha: Xie Hui, what forms does business communication normally take?
  Xie Hui: Well, there' s face-to-face communication, or phone conversations, informal meetings, e-mail messages, letters, memos, and re-ports, which are called verbal communication. There's also non-verbal communication like pictures, computer graphics, and company logos.
  Interviewer: OK. Now, Tao Sha, it's your turn. Which topic have you chosen, please?
  Tao Sha: I've chosen C. Career planning.
  Interviewer: OK. You have one minute to talk. Xie Hui and I will listen to you. Xie Hui, afterTao Sha's talk, you have to ask her a question.Now, Tao Sha, you may start. I'll stop you atthe end of one minute.
  Tao Sha: I think there're generally four steps in career planning. First, you have to gather information about yourself to assist in making a decision about a career. You should develop an under standing of self including values, interests, aptitudes, abilities, personal traits, and desired life style. Second, you should investigate the world of work in greater depth, narrow a general occupational direction into a specific one through an informed decision making process. Third, you should evaluate occupational choices and gain practical experience through internships, cooperative education, relevant summer employment, volunteer work and campus activities. At last, you should prepare for and begin conducting a job search, apply to graduate or professional schools.
  Interviewer: Thank you. Now, Xie Hui, what is the question you'd like to ask Tao Sha?
  Xie Hui: Do you think career planning is important?
  Tao Sha: Yes. You know, people might, by luck or chance, find a good job without much planning, but a careful planning generally gives you an advantage over your potential rivals in a job hunt.
  Interviewer: Thank you. Part Three
  Interviewer:Well, Xie Hui and Tao Sha, the last part of this speaking test is a discussion task. Your discussion topic is on this task card. You have about 30 seconds to read it carefully. After you have read the task, you will have a discussion on the given topic. Your discussion time is around three minutes. OK? Now read your task card.
  (30 seconds later)
  Well, can you start your discussion now? I'm going to listen to you. and then ask you to stop at the end of three minutes.
  Tao Sha: I think the centre should provide on site aerobics classes.
  Xie Hui: Yeah, I agree. There should also be a swimming pool there, and also weight machines. Tao Sha: Yeah. And there should be at least one qualified instructor on duty at all times.
  Xie Hui: Definitely. And as a fitness centre, there must be locker rooms and showers, I think.
  Tao Sha: Sure. I almost forgot that. I also think that not only employees, but also clients, spouses, and children should be allowed to use the facilities. What do you think?
  Xie Hui: I think that would be nice. But since it's called an employee fitness centre, employees should get first preference, and clients, spouses and children could only get to use the facilities when there is extra room.
  Tao Sha: Good. And what about the opening time for the centre?
  Xie Hui: Well, I think, it could open at 9:00 AM since that's when work starts, and close at 5..00since that's when people go off work.
  Tao Sha: I can't quite agree with you on that. You see, if the centre is open from 9..00 to 5:00,how could anybody get the time to go there?
  Xie Hui: Oh, sorry. I forgot about that. so …
  Tao Sha.. I think it should open at least a couple of hours before work starts and close a couple of hours after work stops.
  Xie Hui.. Yes, that's great. How does 6 AM to 10PM sound?
  Tao Sha: That's perfect.
  Interviewer: Do you think it's necessary for a company to open a fitness centre for its employees?
  Tao Sha: Of course, most working people are busy working, so that they have very limited time to work out. Even if they do have the time, they would have to spend much of it on the way to a fitness centre. If the centre is right there in the work place, it could save them a lot of time and energy.
  Xie Hui: I think a fitness centre in the work place could help those out-of-shape employees get the exercise they need to be more productive at work.
  Interviewer: Thank you, Xie Hui and Tao Sha. That is the end of the speaking test.





