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来源:可可英语 编辑:qihui   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

  Questions 1-12
  . You willhear three face to face conversations.
  . Write down one word or number inthe numbered spaces on the forms below.
  Message One. Questions1-4
  Ordering List
  Table No : 3
  Name of Customer : Mr.
  Dishes: Drink 2 bottles of beer.
  Main Dishes : Chicken with red (3 ). . . . ..
  (4 ) . . . beef. . .
  stewardess No. 10 Service Time : 6 :30pm
  Message Two. Questions 5-8
  Name :Lilian . (5). . . Open Date : 3rd ,Feb.
  . Account Type : (6). . .account
  Deposit Amount : (7) . . . . . .
  Message Three. Questions 9- 12
  Immigration Registration
  Flight No : JH21 2
  Arrival Time :11:40
  Name : Helen Robbinson
  Passport No : 72931831
  Purpose ofVisit : (9) . . . . . .
  Temporary Staying Place : mainly with (10) . . . .. .
  Staying Period : about (11) . . . months
  Leaving Date : 15th ,(1 2) . . . . . .

  Section One
  Questions 13-17
  . Youwill hear five short pieces.
  . For each piece decide what the speaker istalking about.
  . Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of thepiece.
  . You will hear the five pieces twice.
  1 3. . . . . . .
  14. . . . . . .
  1 5. . . . . . .
  1 6. . . . . . .
  l 7. . . . . ..
  A catalogues
  B boxes
  C books
  D greetingcards
  E radio programmes
  F weather
  G TV programmes
  Section Two
  Questions 18-22
  . You will hear another fiveshort pieces.
  . For each piece decide who is talking.
  . Write oneletter (AH) next to the number of the piece.
  . You will hear the fivepieces twice.
  18. . . . . . . . .
  19. . . . . . . . .
  20. . . . .. . . .
  21. . . . . . . . .
  22 . . . . . . . . .
  Aa librarian
  B a stewardess
  C a taxi-driver
  D a waitress
  E aninvestment counselor
  F a news broadcaster
  G an electrician
  H apilot
  Questions 23-30
  . You will hear a talkgiven by a senior economist of Germany. He talks about the Germaneconomic
  policy-M3 and its real effect on German economy.
  . You haveto complete the sentences (23-30) by choosing the correct ending.
  . Markone letter (A ,B or C).
  23. M3 means
  A limiting money supply.
  BWide-ranged money supply.
  C exporting government bonds.
  24. TheBundesbank is going to
  A increase the money supply.
  B abandon thestrong money supply.
  C raise the interest rates.
  25. Kiel institute ofWorld Economics has found the evidence for
  A short-term fluctuation ofdemand for money following German unification.
  B long-run relationshipbetween money supply growth and inflation.
  C stable long-run demand formoney.
  26. Money supply growth will .
  A help increasing the governmentbonds.
  B increase the public debt.
  C help financing of governmentdebt.
  27. Explanation of excessive money supply from the Bundesbankrepresentatives is based on
  A the fact that monetary capital grew at alower rate.
  B the shifts between money and money capital. .
  C theexpansion of credit which has been driving money supply growth.
  28. Thespeaker worries about the money supply because
  A it is used in productivecapacity.
  B it is used mainly in machinery and equipment.
  C it is usedin bousing constriction and consumption.
  29. Bank credit rising is mainlycaused by
  A money supply.

  B public debt.
  C German domesticsavers.
  30. Internal liabilities are increased in mainly by
  A biginvestment.
  B office consumption.
  C finance transfers to EastGermany.





