1. on the rope 命悬一线,形势岌岌可危
Lily's carrer is on the rope right now for the lack of money.
由于缺少资金,lily的事业岌岌可危了 。
2.be hooked on 迷上了;着迷于;会迷上了
In fact, some hot-pepper lovers may just be hooked on the high.
事实上,一些辣椒爱好者就是迷上了这种情绪高潮 。
Bitcoin is a software-based payment system described by Satoshi Nakamotoin 2008,and introduced as open-source software in 2009. Payments are recorded in a public ledger using its own unit of account,which is also called bitcoin.Payments work peer-to-peer without a central repository or single administrator, which has led the US Treasury to call bitcoin a decentralized virtual currency.Although its status as a currency is disputed, media reports often refer to bitcoin as a cryptocurrency or digital currency.
比特币(Bitcoin:比特金)最早是一种网络虚拟货币,可以购买现实生活当中的物品 。它的特点是分散化、匿名、只能在数字世界使用,不属于任何国家和金融机构,并且不受地域限制,可以在世界上的任何地方兑换它,2013年,美国政府承认比特币的合法地位,使得比特币价格大涨 。
总帐,分类帐 n. 帐簿