1.charitable giving 慈善捐助
The big, new idea was to unleash these funds not just through charitable givingbut through political action.
那个宏伟的新点子就是不仅通过慈善馈赠而且利用政治运动来运用这些资金 。
And don t feel ashamed to profit from your charitable giving.
并且别因为从您的慈善捐赠获利而感到羞愧 。
2.individual donation 个人捐献
In the "Wenchuan Earthquake", "Southwest drought", the Director Zhou Xingmeiindividual donation 100 thousand yuan.
在“汶川大地震”、“西南旱灾”时,杏梅律师事务所律师慷慨解囊,主任周杏梅个人捐款10万元 。
Third is the traditional support has weakened, that is government support andaid, enterprise donation and aid, and individual donation.
即政府补贴或资助、企业捐赠和个人捐财的相对减弱 。