1.What is the name of the university that carried out the study?
a) Queen's University
b) King's College
c) Princess School
d) Princeton
2.How many different skulls did researchers look at in their research?
a) 606
b) 505
c) 404
d) 303
3.Where in England were the skulls located?
a) the west
b) the north
c) the middle
d) the south
4.Around how many people have gum disease in England today?
a) 26%
b) 28%
c) 30%
d) 32%
5.Who did people not visit 2,000 years ago?
a) friends in hospital
b) dentists
c) relatives
d) great-great grandparents
6.What did the study say is the biggest cause of gum disease?
a) chocolate
b) juice
c) smoking
d) fizzy drinks (sodas)
7.What did a researcher say has become worse in the past 2,000 years?
a) aerial health
b) all our health
c) aural health
d) oral health
8.What would happen if more people stopped smoking?
a) gum disease would go down
b) people would eat chocolate
c) governments would lose money
d) there would be more dentists
9.What do bacteria eat away at?
a) gums
b) cakes
c) disease
d) toothpaste
10.What can we use to help reduce the risk of gum disease?
a) our fingers
b) mouthwash
c) the Internet
d) carrots