1.What did Larry Page say Europeneeded to be like?
a) Google
b) Canada
c) Silicon Valley
d) Star Wars
2.What do Facebook and Googlehave in Silicon Valley?
a) headquarters
b) silicon
c) problems
d) statues of their CEOs
3.What did Larry Page say waseasy to do in Silicon Valley?
a) business
b) sleep
c) have fun
d) find free wi-fi
4.What did Mr Page say it waseasy to make in Silicon Valley?
a) silicon
b) money
c) microchips
d) animated movies
5.What did Larry Page sayEuropean politicians needed to invest in?
a) their future
b) the New York Stock Exchange
c) Google
d) big ideas
6.How much money does Larry Pagehave available to invest?
a) $26 million
b) $62 billion
c) $26 billion
d) $62 million
7.What kind of impact does Pagewant to have on the world?
a) a positive one
b) a high-tech one
c) a lasting one
d) an immediate one
8.Which kids have better techskills than European kids?
a) kids in U.S. elementaryschools
b) Indian kids
c) Silicon Valley kids
d) kids of software engineers
9.What do education leaders wanta bigger focus on?
a) money
b) discipline
c) silicon
d) technology
10.What do some people thinkelementary schools should teach?
a) coding
b) technology history
c) music
d) animation skills