1. shut-eye
eg. Go home and get some shut-eye.
回家睡一会儿 。
eg. He used to get some shut - eye before the game.
他以往常常在比赛前睡一会儿 。
2. range from to
eg. Prices range from 50 pence to 70 pence.
价钱在50便士到70便士之间 。
eg. His interests range from chess to stamp.
他的兴趣范围广泛,从下象棋到集邮无所不包 。
3. plenty of
eg. She is in the fortunate position of having plenty of choice.
好在她有很多选择 。
eg. There is plenty of space here to move about.
这里有很大的活动空间 。
adj. 不合法的,非法的
n. 非法移民