1. kick off (事件、比赛或讨论等)开始;
例句:Klein is in London to kick off a global promotional tour for her new book The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism.
克莱恩这次来伦敦,是为她的新书《休克教条:灾难资本主义的崛起》启动一次全球推广之旅 。
2. damp down 抑制,平息(强烈的感情、争吵或危机);
例句:His hand moved to his mouth as he tried to damp down the panic.
他用手捂住嘴巴,力图平息内心的恐慌 。
3. be interested in 感兴趣的;有兴趣的;关心的;
例句:We're interested in the source of these fictitious rumours.
我们对这些子虚乌有的谣言从何而来很感兴趣 。
4. benefit from 获益;对…有益;有利于;
例句:Both sides have benefited from the talks.
双方都从谈判中获益 。
adj. 全球性的,全世界的,球状的,全局的