1. heat up 变热;
例句:In the summer her mobile home heats up like an oven.
夏天一到,她的活动住房就变得像烤炉一样热 。
2. how about (用于提出建议或邀请)怎么样好吗;
例句:How about going shopping and seeing a show in London?
3. keep up with 跟上(变化等);
例句:If you want to keep up with the times, you have to get a large amount of information.
如果你想跟上时代,你必须获取大量的信息 。
4. as a result of 结果;后果;成果;效果;
例句:As a result of this conflict he lost both his home and his means of livelihood.
这场冲突使他同时失去了住所和生计来源 。
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