1. all at once 同时;一起;
例句:A number of things happened all at once.
几件事一起发生了 。
2. as usual 像平常一样;照例;
例句:She was getting breakfast as usual.
她像往常一样在准备早餐 。
3. thanks to 幸亏;归因于;
例句:They were already under stress, thanks to the aftershock of last year's drought.
去年遭受的旱灾让他们心有余悸、倍感忧虑 。
4. lead sb. to do sth. 促使;使得;使;
例句:His actions lead me to distrust him.
他的行为使我不信任他 。
n. 子孙,后代,产物