1.outgoing 即将离职的
She arrived to receive the sash of office from the outgoing president.
她走上前去从即将离职的总统手中接过了就职腰带 。
2.run against 与…竞选
McGovern started to run against nixon.
麦戈文开始与尼克松竞选 。
3.swear in 使宣誓就职
Mary Robinson was formally sworn in as Ireland's first woman president.
玛丽·鲁宾逊正式宣誓就职爱尔兰的首任女总统 。
4.inauguration 就职典礼
We are only a month away from the inauguration of a new president.
我们离新总统就职只有一个月了 。
5.endeavor 努力
We made an earnest endeavor to persuade her.
我们郑重其事地努力说服她 。