Modern cities heading back to nature
When we think of how cities will look in the future, we probably picture tall gray buildings and skies filled with flying cars.
One city in Australia, however, is trying to change that image.
Earlier in last September , it was reported that the city of Melbourne plans to build a pair of tall towers, which look more like massive tree houses than skyscrapers.
The project, known as the Green Spine, will turn Melbourne's skyline from gray to green once the two towers are completed, with one of the buildings becoming the tallest in the Southern Hemisphere, at 356.2 meters tall.

Both towers will have balconies running down one side, filled with plants and trees.
Meanwhile, on the top of each tower, a botanical garden will offer a relaxing space where visitors can enjoy nature, away from the noise of the city.
"Our green spaces are our city's lungs, its shade from the sun," building architect Phil Rowe said in a news release.
In spite of their proposed size, these buildings are just a small part of a wider trend for greener and more eco-friendly structures.
Plans are already underway in several cities around the world to build entire skyscrapers from wood, with an 18-story building made from pine already existing in Minneapolis, US.
Indeed, in this modern age of technology and tall buildings, it seems that people just want a touch of nature in their lives.
"The 20th century was the concrete age; it was all about the dominion of man over nature," British architect Anthony Thistleton told the BBC.
"Now, we're transitioning toward a different attitude, a more nurturing one."
The move toward making cities greener places isn't a new concept.
One just needs to look at places such as New York's Central Park to see that natural spaces and sprawling cities have been partners for hundreds of years.
And, of course, wooden buildings themselves have been around far longer than concrete and steel ones.
In fact, China's wooden Fogong Temple Pagoda, located in Shanxi province, is still standing almost 1,000 years after it was built.
So, like many other trends from fashion to technology, it seems that humankind is taking a step backwards to a simpler time.
Our future may not be as we pictured it, but it'll certainly be a lot greener.