New fashion trend sweeps the world's beaches
The summer sun is here! Have you prepared yourself with the necessary protection?
Hats, umbrellas, sunscreen and of course sunglasses. They are all must-haves. But why not try a facekini, or face-bikini – a piece of spandex covering your head with tiny nose and mouth holes. Does this sound like something you'd wear?
The facekini was first designed by Zhang Shifan in 2004. The mask originally was used as a diving hood, which protects users from the sun, insect, and jellyfish. Slowly, however, it has become a global summer trend.
US-based CR Fashion Book recently released a set of images featuring swimsuit models in facekinis with different colors and patterns. An interviewer told the LA Times: "It's very fashionable and like a work of art."
美国时尚杂志《CR Fashion Book》近期发布了一组泳装模特们戴着不同颜色和款式的脸基尼的大片。一位受访者在接受《洛杉矶时报》采访时表示:“脸基尼很时尚,就像是一件艺术品。”

Indeed, the facekini is no passing trend, but a way of life for many.
To avoid the sun, people take different measures. Some carry UV-blocking umbrellas or wear mirrored visors that cover over the face. Others choose facekinis.
Facekinis can feature many interesting designs and bright colors. They even have large animal prints of giant pandas and Siberian tigers to raise awareness of endangered animals.
Some designs also include traditional Chinese embroidery animals, including dragons, peacocks and phoenix.
Furthermore, the newer versions are longer and can protect both your head and upper body from sunshine. They are known as body-kinis.
So next time, when you see a strange "sea monster" walk on the beach, watch out, it could be a person wearing a body-kini.
Zhang told the Global Times that she wanted her facekinis to "promote good global cultures".