Is there new life in outer space?
If you watched the film Avatar, you may wonder if Earth is the only habitable planet in the universe. Given the large number of the galaxies, many scientists hold the belief that there is certainly extra-terrestrial life. But it seems we are having trouble finding them.
In August, NASA announced the discovery of a possible Earth-like planet. Located 31 light years away, it could support life.
"I think it's an amazing discovery," said Lisa Kaltenegger from the Carl Sagan Institute at Cornell in the US. "We have Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite or TESS for short that's scanning the whole sky, where the brightest and closest objects are, to find planets like ours and this is the first one."
The planet, named GJ 357 d, is believed to be around twice the size of Earth and have six times Earth's mass.
这个名为GJ 357 d的行星被认为约有地球的两倍大,质量是地球的6倍。

According to the New York Post, it "is located within the outer edge of its star's habitable zone, where it receives about the same amount of stellar energy from its star as Mars does from the sun". Specifically, it is about 18°C below zero.
You may think that this is too low for human habitation.
But according to CNN, if it has a thick atmosphere, the planet could trap enough heat to warm the planet and allow liquid water on its surface.
Within the next six years, people will be able to experience the next generation of space probes, promising a far more detailed view of other planets, including their terrain and weather systems.
If it indeed does have a thick enough atmosphere, "GJ 357 d would be at the top of everyone's travel list and we could answer a 1,000-year-old question on whether we are alone in space," CNN reported.
据美国有线电视新闻网报道,如果该星球确实拥有足够致密的大气层,“GJ 357 d将会成为每个人旅行的首选目的地,我们也能回答这个千年之问:宇宙中是否还有其他生命存在?”