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CRI News Report:美国政府对伊朗核计划实施了新的制裁

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  • China has reaffirmed its confidence and capability to contain the novel coronavirus epidemic.
  • 中国重申其控制新型冠状病毒疫情的信心与能力。
  • This comes after the World Health Organization declared the outbreak a global emergency.
  • 世界卫生组织宣布疫情构成全球紧急状态后,中方作出以上表态。
  • However, Director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus says the main reason for this declaration is not because of what is happening in China.
  • 然而,总干事特德罗斯·阿达诺姆·格布雷耶苏斯表示,作出这一宣布的主要原因并不是因为中国的疫情形势。
  • "We don't know what sort of damage this virus could do if it were to spread in a country with a weaker health system.
  • “我们不知道如果这种病毒在卫生系统较弱的国家传播会造成怎样的破坏。
  • We must act now to help countries prepare for that possibility."
  • 我们必须立即采取行动,帮助其他国家应对这种可能性。”
  • So far, China has confirmed around 9,700 cases, including over 200 deaths.
  • 截至目前,中国已确诊约9700例病例,死亡病例逾200例。
  • Eighteen other countries have also reported cases.
  • 另有18个国家也报告了确诊病例。
  • Premier Li Keqiang is urging Chinese scientists to step up research on reagents, vaccines and drugs to curb viral pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus.
  • 国务院总理李克强敦促中国科学家加强对新型冠状病毒引起的病毒性肺炎的试剂、疫苗以及药物的研究。
  • He inspected the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention yesterday, and presided over a symposium with epidemiologists.
  • 他于昨日视察了中国疾病预防控制中心,并主持召开了一场流行病学专家座谈会。
  • He called for efforts to discover the source of the virus, as well as to provide support for vaccine development and treatment schemes.
  • 他要求努力查明病毒源头,抓紧疫苗研制,为诊疗方案提供技术支撑。
  • He also asked medical experts to summarize successful experiences in treating coronavirus patients.
  • 他还请医学专家总结治疗冠状病毒患者的成功经验。
  • Authorities are calling on domestic enterprises to immediately resume the production of medical resources as the outbreak continues.
  • 由于疫情仍在持续,有关部门呼吁国内企业立即恢复生产医疗资源。
  • Protective clothing, masks, goggles, negative pressure isolation ambulances, and medicines are facing shortages as the demand rises.
  • 随着需求的增长,防护服、口罩、护目镜、负压隔离救护车及药品正面临短缺。
  • Enterprises in the industry are required to improve quality and report data including production capacity and inventory.
  • 医疗行业企业要提高质量,并报告包括生产能力以及库存在内的数据。
  • The State Council will dispatch personnel to major enterprises to help solve difficulties hindering production,
  • 国务院将派遣人员到重点企业,帮助解决妨碍生产的困难,
  • and supervise the quality of medical resources.
  • 并监督医疗资源的质量。
  • China's top anti-graft body is vowing to strengthen supervision and deal with problems in the prevention and control of the virus.
  • 中国最高反贪机构誓要加强监督,处理该病毒防控方面的问题。
  • Misconduct including dereliction of duty and misappropriation of relief funds and materials will be targeted.
  • 渎职、挪用救济资金和物资等不当行为将成为打击目标。
  • Discipline inspection and supervision officials at all levels are also urged to actively perform duties during the efforts to prevent and control the outbreak.
  • 督促各级纪检监察员在预防和控制疫情爆发期间积极履行职责。
  • Britain is set to leave the European Union later today.
  • 英国将于今天晚些时候脱欧欧盟。
  • Britain will no longer be an EU member state from Saturday.
  • 自本周六起,英国将不再是欧盟成员国。
  • It will then enter a transition period until the end of December that is meant to give citizens and businesses time to adapt.
  • 英国将进入11个月的过渡期,这为公民及企业提供了适应时间。
  • During the transition, Britain will continue to apply EU laws but will no longer be represented in EU institutions.
  • 过渡期间,英国将继续适用欧盟法律,但在欧盟机构中不再有英方代表。
  • U.S. President Donald Trump's Senate impeachment trial has headed into a final day of questions and answers
  • 美国总统唐纳德·特朗普的参议院弹劾审判已经进入最后一天的问答环节,
  • before a vote on whether or not to call witnesses.
  • 之后将投票决定是否传唤证人。
  • That decision is expected to send the proceedings to weeks of further action or directly to an acquittal.
  • 该决定将确定诉讼程序是进入为期数周的进一步诉讼,还是直接宣判无罪。
  • Chief Justice John Roberts declined to read a trial question that named the intelligence community whistleblower
  • 首席大法官约翰·罗伯茨拒绝宣读公布情报界举报人名字的审讯问题,
  • whose complaint led to the impeachment investigation into Trump.
  • 该举报导致了对特朗普的弹劾调查。
  • U.S. whistleblower laws exist to protect the identity of people who bring forward accusations of wrongdoing by government officials.
  • 美国检举人法旨在保护那些对政府官员不当行为提出指控的人的身份。
  • Democrats are pressing hard to force the Senate to call more witnesses to testify,
  • 民主党人正在努力迫使参议院召集更多证人作证,
  • but Republicans reportedly appear intently focused on bringing the trial to a vote of acquittal.
  • 但据报道,共和党人似乎致力于让这次审判宣判无罪。
  • The U.S. House of Representatives has passed two bills seeking to curb the U.S. president's war powers.
  • 美国众议院通过了两项旨在遏制美国总统战争权力的法案。
  • The Democratic-led House passes a measure to repeal the 2002 authorization for the use of military force for the war in Iraq.
  • 民主党领导的众议院一项议案,废除了2002年伊拉克军事力量授权法。
  • It also approves another bill to restrain U.S. military action against Iran without Congressional approval.
  • 众议院还批准了另一项法案,禁止未经国会允许对伊朗采取军事行动。
  • It is unclear about the fate of the bills in the Republican-controlled Senate.
  • 目前尚不清楚这两项法案在共和党控制的参议院的命运如何。
  • The U.S. government has slapped new sanctions on Iran's nuclear program.
  • 美国政府对伊朗核计划实施了新的制裁。
  • The sanctions target the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran and its director, Ali Akbar Salehi.
  • 制裁针对的目标是伊朗原子能组织及其主席阿里·阿克巴·萨利希。
  • The sanctions freeze any assets that Salehi has within U.S. jurisdiction.
  • 制裁措施冻结了萨利希在美国领土范围内拥有的任何资产。
  • Meanwhile, the Trump administration has renewed sanctions waivers
  • 同时,特朗普政府延长了对伊朗的制裁豁免,
  • that permit Russian, European and Chinese companies to continue to work on Iran's civilian nuclear facilities without running afoul of U.S. sanctions.
  • 允许俄罗斯、欧洲和中国公司在不违反美国制裁的情况下继续在伊朗的民用核设施上开展工作。
  • A student was injured after an unidentified man opened fire during a protest in Delhi on Thursday.
  • 周四,一名学生在德里的抗议活动中被一名身份不明的男子开枪打伤。
  • Witnesses say the man, holding a single-barrel weapon,
  • 目击者称,这名男子手持单管武器,
  • shouted slogans against people during the protest against India's new citizenship law near a university.
  • 向在大学附近抗议印度新公民法的民众大喊口号。
  • Police have detained the gunman but gave no details.
  • 警方拘留了这名枪手,但没有透露任何细节。
  • More than 1,000 protesters took part in the protest against the Citizenship Amendment Act,
  • 1000多名民众参加抗议,反对《公民身份修正法案》,
  • which fast-tracks Indian citizenship for non-Muslim minorities from three neighboring countries.
  • 该法案为来自三个邻国的非穆斯林少数族裔提供了获得印度公民身份的快速通道。

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China has reaffirmed its confidence and capability to contain the novel coronavirus epidemic.
This comes after the World Health Organization declared the outbreak a global emergency.
However, Director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus says the main reason for this declaration is not because of what is happening in China.
"We don't know what sort of damage this virus could do if it were to spread in a country with a weaker health system. We must act now to help countries prepare for that possibility."
So far, China has confirmed around 9,700 cases, including over 200 deaths.
Eighteen other countries have also reported cases.
Premier Li Keqiang is urging Chinese scientists to step up research on reagents, vaccines and drugs to curb viral pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus.
He inspected the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention yesterday, and presided over a symposium with epidemiologists.
He called for efforts to discover the source of the virus, as well as to provide support for vaccine development and treatment schemes.
He also asked medical experts to summarize successful experiences in treating coronavirus patients.
Authorities are calling on domestic enterprises to immediately resume the production of medical resources as the outbreak continues.
Protective clothing, masks, goggles, negative pressure isolation ambulances, and medicines are facing shortages as the demand rises.
Enterprises in the industry are required to improve quality and report data including production capacity and inventory.
The State Council will dispatch personnel to major enterprises to help solve difficulties hindering production, and supervise the quality of medical resources.
China's top anti-graft body is vowing to strengthen supervision and deal with problems in the prevention and control of the virus.
Misconduct including dereliction of duty and misappropriation of relief funds and materials will be targeted.
Discipline inspection and supervision officials at all levels are also urged to actively perform duties during the efforts to prevent and control the outbreak.
Britain is set to leave the European Union later today.
Britain will no longer be an EU member state from Saturday.
It will then enter a transition period until the end of December that is meant to give citizens and businesses time to adapt.
During the transition, Britain will continue to apply EU laws but will no longer be represented in EU institutions.
U.S. President Donald Trump's Senate impeachment trial has headed into a final day of questions and answers before a vote on whether or not to call witnesses.
That decision is expected to send the proceedings to weeks of further action or directly to an acquittal.
Chief Justice John Roberts declined to read a trial question that named the intelligence community whistleblower whose complaint led to the impeachment investigation into Trump.
U.S. whistleblower laws exist to protect the identity of people who bring forward accusations of wrongdoing by government officials.
Democrats are pressing hard to force the Senate to call more witnesses to testify, but Republicans reportedly appear intently focused on bringing the trial to a vote of acquittal.
The U.S. House of Representatives has passed two bills seeking to curb the U.S. president's war powers.
The Democratic-led House passes a measure to repeal the 2002 authorization for the use of military force for the war in Iraq.
It also approves another bill to restrain U.S. military action against Iran without Congressional approval.
It is unclear about the fate of the bills in the Republican-controlled Senate.
The U.S. government has slapped new sanctions on Iran's nuclear program.
The sanctions target the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran and its director, Ali Akbar Salehi. The sanctions freeze any assets that Salehi has within U.S. jurisdiction.
Meanwhile, the Trump administration has renewed sanctions waivers that permit Russian, European and Chinese companies to continue to work on Iran's civilian nuclear facilities without running afoul of U.S. sanctions.

A student was injured after an unidentified man opened fire during a protest in Delhi on Thursday.
Witnesses say the man, holding a single-barrel weapon, shouted slogans against people during the protest against India's new citizenship law near a university.
Police have detained the gunman but gave no details.
More than 1,000 protesters took part in the protest against the Citizenship Amendment Act, which fast-tracks Indian citizenship for non-Muslim minorities from three neighboring countries.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
intelligence [in'telidʒəns]


n. 理解力,智力
n. 情报,情报工作,情报

misconduct ['mis'kɔndʌkt]


n. 不端行为 vt. 对 ... 处理不当

unidentified ['ʌnai'dentifaid]


adj. 未确认的,无法识别的,身份不明的

authorization [.ɔ:θərai'zeiʃən]


n. 授权(书), 认可

virus ['vaiərəs]


n. 病毒,病原体

civilian [si'viljən]


adj. 平民的
n. 罗马法专家,平民

confidence ['kɔnfidəns]


adj. 骗得信任的
n. 信任,信心,把握

director [di'rektə, dai'rektə]


n. 董事,经理,主管,指导者,导演

recovery [ri'kʌvəri]


n. 恢复,复原,痊愈

global ['gləubəl]


adj. 全球性的,全世界的,球状的,全局的





