1.open book 一目了然的事物
I have no secrets; my life is an open book.
我没有什么秘密,我的生活是尽人皆知的事情 。
2.domestic violence 家庭暴力
Domestic violence and rape are still significant problems.
家庭暴力和强奸依旧是重大的问题 。
3.in terms of 就...而言
There is a convergence between capitalist firms and co-operatives in terms of business strategy.
资本主义公司和合作企业在经营战略方面趋于一致 。
4.speak of 讲起
This move caused consternation among universities and the government, not to speak of the students affected.
这个举措在大学和政府里造成了恐慌,更不用说受到影响的学生们了 。
5.encourage to 鼓励
We want to encourage people to go fishing, not put them off
我们希望鼓励人们去垂钓,而不是打消他们的热情 。